12. The Hottest Girl in the Room.

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Everyone came inside and we sung happy birthday to Matt. He had a pretty big cake that was actually really beautiful with blue and gold decorations, and of course he blew out candles on the top before someone took over to cut it up. I took a piece and ate it in about 4 bites, probably due to having the munchies. Damn drugs!

When the whole cake thing was over, everyone gathered to play truth or dare and we naturally stood in a circle formation. Some people sat on the couch or bar stools or whatever and while I had ended up near Paige, I made a last minute move over to Lynsey so I would be away from Oli. The thought of having to be right near him and hear the sounds of him sucking the face off his bimbo made me dry reach. Most people picked truth and there was nudity and body shots from the people who picked dares. When my turn came up, I kind of wanted to pick dare in the hopes I could make out with Lynsey. I don't know why I wanted to, maybe it was just the drugs. Anyway, I chickened out of doing something physical and was asked what the kinkiest place I'd had sex was. I had no problem telling people about that; it was on a packed train, at our seats.
"How did you manage that without being caught?" someone asked.
"Strategically placed jackets, small movements and straight faces while I straddled his lap." I laughed. No big deal. 

When it came to Oli's turn, Matt dared him, without even thinking about it, to make out with the hottest girl in the room. I just rolled my eyes. Seriously? He didn't need a dare for that - he'd had his tongue down that fake-chested skank's throat already. I looked over at her and she was smiling and looking like a puppy dog under his spell and I rolled my eyes once again. God, it was pathetic how girls were around him. I really didn't see the appeal.
"Like we want to see him sticking his tongue down her throat again." I whispered with an eye roll as I leaned over to Lynsey. She smiled at me but scratched her head at the same time.
"Uhh..." she kind of said as she looked past me. I immediately shifted my gaze to whatever she was looking at and the blood drained out of my body as I saw Oli standing in front of me. 


Before I had time to register, Oli was coming toward me so I pulled away.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I squealed. He just rolled his eyes.
"It's a dare, Sunshine. Don't be a spoiled sport." he said. I didn't know what the fuck to say or do because I was stuck in confusion, fear, disgust and disbelief, and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I wanted to vomit. I wanted to push him away with all of my strength and tell him to get the fuck off me, but I knew there were at least forty pairs of eyes watching us... including that stupid, pathetic, bimbo who told me that 'he wouldn't want me'. I looked past him and saw the look on her face, so I kissed him. Fuck it. I tried not to think about everywhere his tongue had already been as he kissed me, I tried to imagine he were someone else, and as much as I didn't want to admit it, the kiss was pretty good. He kissed hard and deliberately and I kissed him back just as passionately because I knew his skanky little friend would be completely enraged by his decision to kiss me instead of her. I got so much satisfaction from that after she'd been such a bitch to me for no reason earlier in the night. The kiss ended and I saw the bimbo shoot me, then Oli the most pissed off look. If looks could kill.... haha.

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Fuck that was hot. It felt like fucking fire engulfing me. Probably because she was so pissed off that she didn't have a choice in kissing me, lol. 

She tasted like cherry and bourbon, a crazy combination that drove my senses wild. God, she knew how to use that tongue too, so strong and demanding. If she sucks dick as good  as she kisses... OK, OK, let's not think about that, lol.

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I looked over at Paige and she was just looking at me with wide eyes and her mouth open, probably in disbelief that I had actually kissed my arch nemesis rather than shoving him away. I just shook my head and rolled my eyes as if to tell her I didn't actually want to do it. When Lynsey had her turn, she picked truth and was asked who she'd choose to fuck in the room. There were a lot of attractive people in that room, so I was definitely not expecting her answer to be me. Me. She would fuck me. I was stunned, thrilled and a little embarrassed all at once, but it did give my ego a nice little boost.

Once the game was over, I went straight to the bar. I definitely needed another drink after everything that had happened, and of course, like clockwork, Oli appeared beside me.
"What? Are you stalking me now?" I asked. He just laughed.
"You wish, Sunshine." he replied. Uh huh, sure I did. "In case you've forgotten, this is where I live." he added. God he was such a smart arse.
"So are you going to tell me why the hell you kissed me when you know I'd sooner eat soap?" I asked.
"Because I was dared to." he replied as if it was absolutely nothing.
"You weren't dared to kiss me, you were dared to kiss the hottest girl in the room." I replied. He just looked at me blankly.
"Yeah... You were the hottest girl in the room, so I kissed you. What more is there to understand?" he questioned. God he was such an asshole. He definitely could have kissed anyone he wanted. He obviously just did it to piss me off, knowing I couldn't turn him down without looking like a total party pooper.
"Yeah, sure. We both know you did it to get under my skin and piss me off... I guess I don't blame you though, it's not like I'd ever let your dirty mouth anywhere near mine in any other circumstance." I said. He actually looked amused by that.
"Seemed like you were pretty into it to me." he chuckled.
"You keep telling yourself that. I was just making sure to piss off your little skanky friend." I replied.
"Well I'm sure I'll taste you again, Sunshine." he whispered in my ear before walking away with his drink. Ugh. He made me so cranky when he got the last word in like that.

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