Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

July 16


Harry was at the palace going over some paperwork with his brother when he looks up at him.

"Can we take a break? I need some brotherly advice from you about something," he asked.

"Sure, I'm getting a headache anyways," Will said putting the papers down and leaning back in his chair to look at her brother. "What's up."

"What do you think about Ashlyn and Sean?"

"I think they're great. Sean's such a good young man... bright too."

"What about Ashlyn?" Harry asked worried.

"She's a smart and beautiful girl," Will smiled.

"Do you think mother would've approved of her?"

"She would have adored her," Will said honestly. "She would love Sean."

Harry smiles, "Well, I'm thinking about asking her to marry me."

Will's eyes light up and smiled, "About damn time."

"Why do you say that?" Harry asked with a smile.

"You two have been in love before meeting face to face. I know that you two only knew each other from different names, but your face just lights up or saddens when you get a message or see something she posts." He smiles more, "You really love this girl. With her nearby, you've changed more too."

Harry smiles, "I want to find a ring to give her, but I don't want her to have something from the family jewels. Something small from mom's collection maybe. I mean everyone knows about Kate's iconic ring, but I want something different... am I making sense?"

Will chuckled, "You want her to have something of mom's like Kate does, but you want to give her something meaningful and personal from your heart."

"YES!" Harry yelled and chuckles. "Sorry."

Will smiled. "Let's go see what we can find from it. Maybe Leigh has something from her collection too that you two can come up with to give Ash."

Harry nods, "I'll give her a call and see what she thinks. I know that Edward needs to also give us a blessing to give another piece of jewelry from their family vault to Ashlyn."

"Understanding." Will stands up and grabs his phone. "Let's get Kate to come with us. Maybe we can all pick something together for Ash to have or wear from mom's."

Harry smiled as they left the room and made some phone calls.


"You want me to do what now?" Leigh asked as she was luckily with Edward.

"I need to see if you can find something that would stand out in your family's vault, with Edward's blessing of course, for Ash's ring."

"What ring?" Leigh asked.

"I'm going to ask Ash to marry me."

Leigh beams, "Really? You're finally going to do it?"

"Yes. Will you help me?"

"Yes, we'll get on it."

"And you said purple and blue Ash loves right?"

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