1. Tell Me a Story

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Before I sleep,
tell me a story of a place far from here,
where people are carried away with the wind.
In the blink of an eye,
one can find themselves
floating high above the pain.

Before I sleep,
won't you tell me a story
of a time when people could lose themselves
in the ocean
and never feel more at home?
So small, so insignificant,
but never alone.

As I'm falling asleep,
please remind me of the story
of a place far from here
in a time when people
cared to listen.

And I'll tell you a story of a boy
who believed the wind could carry him away,
but his mind was quicksand,
and the world was an anchor that would not let go.

But I won't tell you how it ends
because I would rather hear your story,
watch the sun set in your eyes
that remind me of the sky, the ocean,
and the wind.

I still see you in my dreams,
and forgive me for not noticing before,
but goddamn are you pretty.

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