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,,Where is Kate?"
Her phone rang and her mother and father went looking for her because they realized they didn't know where she was.

After a while she was found in the bathroom in a pool of blood, and next to her was leter in which it was written:

Hey mom, hey dad I'm sorry

You maybe asking why I'm sorry

But I'm sorry for being such a disappointment

I'm sorry I couldn't make good enough grades for you

I'm sorry I can't live up to your expectations

Hey friends, and I sorry too

I can't keep a long term friendship with any of you

I'm sorry we loose connection after a while

And I'm sorry

I never stayed

It's not your fault
I have always love you ❤

When we found her we couldn't do anything. The world is cruel and there's nothing we can do about it, and it was too cruel for a teenager Kate. She was very nice and there was nothing we could do about her decision. She said goodbye to us nicely and now it's our turn to say goodbye to her whit respect.

If she only knew we cared about her...

We will miss her very much and we will never forget her.

Rest in peace, Kate🖤🕊


We all have secrets, including me and mine is that I'm Kate's sister. This incident struck me a lot and I am never the same after it.

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