{Sana} - telling her that you're pregnant

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Sana walked through the door and turned around to close and lock it behind her.

It's late and she expected you to be in bed. So, a gasp escaped her lips when she turned around to find you standing there.

Before she could say a word, you threw your arms around her and she happily put her things down so she could hug you just as tight.

"Did you miss me today?" She chuckled felt her heart skip a beat when you pulled back and stared at her with the biggest smile she's seen on your face in so long.

"I have a surprise!"

"Oh? What is it, baby?" She asked and you took her by the hand to lead her into the kitchen.

"Are you hungry at all?"

"A little." She said and chuckled as you excitedly walked her over to the counter.

"I made you some food!"

"Oh, baby, you didn't have to do that." She said but smiled against your lips as you sat her down at the counter.

"I made you baby carrots, baby potatoes-"

"Wow, I can see you've made a lot of baby things, baby," She jokingly interrupted, laughing happily.

"I also made you some cupcakes!"

You pulled them out, setting the pink and blue frosted cupcakes on the counter in front of her along with the baby-themed food.

She stared at everything in awe as things started to fall into place for her.

To confirm what she was thinking, you pulled the positive pregnancy tests out of the pockets of your sweatpants and put them down on the counter in front of her.

A gasp fell from her lips, tears stung her eyes, and she covered her mouth with her hands as it hit her.

"You're pregnant?" She whispered.

"I'm pregnant, Sana," you giggled through your tears

"You're pregnant, baby!" She said as she jumped up and pulled you into her arms, spinning you around happily.

You put your head on her shoulder as she held you close. A few tears fell from her eyes and fell onto your head as her heart pounded with excitement as it hit her that it won't be much longer until you become parents.

"This is amazing! You're pregnant! I can't believe it!"

She carefully put you on your feet and brushed her hand along the small of your back as she stared at you with a look of love in her eyes.

You began to shed a few tears with her as her other hand fell to your stomach, both of you realizing a little person was growing inside you.

Sure, it's only the side of a seed right now.

But not for long. The weeks will go by fast and they'll be here before you know it and you're both so excited!

And even though you found out early this morning, this moment with Sana is making it finally sink in.

There's a little human inside you.

You and Sana have wanted this for so long. You went through so many different tests and different things to get here and you've come so close to giving up, thinking it was never going to happen for the both of you.

But it has and neither of you could be more thankful.

"Finally," she smiled. "It finally worked."

She put her hand on your stomach and brushed her fingertips along your soft skin.

"You're already glowing." She whispered and kissed your lips.

"I hope you like this way of me telling you that we're pregnant because cooking some of it made me nauseous."

She giggled and brushed her other hand along your cheek.

"It's absolutely adorable and I love it." She whispered. "And I love you, sweet girl."

"I love you too." You smiled and basked in her sweet kisses for another minute as she lovingly brushed her lips against yours repeatedly.

"And," she whispered as she pulled away from the kiss, bending down in front of you as she rubbed your stomach. "I love you so much already."

You couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

You just know she's going to be the most wonderful mother and you can't wait to meet the little human you've both been hoping and waiting so long for.

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