Time to end our times.... Sorry

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Today is the dance and my mom and dad are going to the store then drop me off. We are in a lot of traffic and this car runs into us.
Lights bright and white I know my time is coming soon, I turn and see mom and dad getting put in a ambulance and as all this happens it's all slow and full of a crap ton of pain. I will not live so I pray so I may be forgiven for my sins and I ask the lord to clean my insides and save me before I die, then I see a nuse and feel a sharp strong pain in my arm and notice she has givin me a "sleep shot". The lights are as black as night know and then I feel it......the first time of true pain. It's so bad I can't do it. I hear a loud strong scream and know it's mine. I'm dyeing slowly and the dance must be forgotten.

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