11.)Gang Banged(OT7)

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Summary: Taehyung got Himself into big trouble when he thought it was a good idea to go out and help a drunk Jimin but ended getting into trouble and had to get Gang Banged

Power Top: Namjoon

Switch: J-Hope, Jin, Yoongi & Jungkook

Bottom: Taehyung & Jimin

Taehyung's POV

It's 6pm in the afternoon and Jimin hasn't been home yet, I'm really scared for him because if he comes home now he will be punished badly

I really want to help him because I don't know where he is, My phone suddenly rang and gladly it was Jimin


Taeh: Jimin Where are you


Taeh: Shhhhhh! Jimin you would get me in trouble, You know the Master's rules don't come home after 6pm and it's 6:30!

Jimin: Oh Com'OoOoOoOn! The master wont doooOoOO Anything!!

Taeh: Yes he would! And are you drunk?

Jimin: NoOooOo, I'm gonna get FuuUuUuK! I'mma talk to you later this hunky man on me wants to fuck me

Taeh: No! Jimin you know no one is suppose to touch you but us!

Jimin: Sorry I gotta go, I'mma suck some dick tonight!

Taeh: Jimin No Don't!

Before I could even warn him he hung up, My god Jimin is gonna make himself loose his legs

I sighed but then had a thought, What if I bring him back here for Master, Master might reward me and I can have my best friend safe at home

I decided to go for him so I got some cloths on and went for Jimin, I know dam well I would killed if I go through the front door with them at the front door

I went through the window to get him. 

When I tracked down Jimin's phone and found him at a strip club, Lord Jimin is gonna get himself fucked hard

I mean well it's Jimin, He loves the Master's attention the most out of all of us, One time he bit Jungkook and clung onto Master as though he was going to leave him.

When I got there a lot of men was staring at me and trying to touch me but I pushed them away," Jimin! Jimin what are you doing?!" 

I scolded him trying to get him way from the man that he was twerking on," Com'on BabYyyYyY lEt's FUCKING DANCE!" Jimin shouted excitedly

I rolled my eyes at him and pulled him way from the man and out of the club," Jimin you're gonna get your ass killed," I complained leading him out of club

He is so dunk he couldn't even stand straight, I got him to the taxi cab and pushed him at the back of the car

During the drive he climbed all the way to the drivers seat and sat on the driver's lap kissing his neck and riding him

Jimin is SO fucking luck and when I say lucky I mean LUCKY that Master isn't here because he would've gotten ran through like a track meet 

Finally we got home and Jimin just didn't want to stand the hell up, He kept throwing himself on everything and even hit his head on the door

" God damit Jimin!" I cursed putting his arms around my shoulders and dragging him inside but wasn't prepared for what was waiting for us

The room was slightly dark surprisingly so I assume they went to bed and tried to drag Jimin to his room before Master catches us

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