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Delphine's POV:

Growing up i believed love was the centre of the universe.That love solved everything.

Now i know,i was wrong.

I sat in the library by myself studying for an upcoming test.

My tongue hung out of my mouth a little in the corner,a habit of mine when i concentrate really hard.

"Hey blood-traitor" I heard a voice speak.I sighed quietly continuing to write."Can i help you Malfoy or are you here to just ruin my day?" I asked annoyed.

I could feel him smirking."Oh,moody are we?" He teased me."Now that your here" I paused looking up at him,"Yes" I finished.

I heard Draco scoff lightly before grabbing a book off the desk."Who is Jane Austen?" he asked skimming through the pages.

I stood up and put my things in my shoulder bag."An author" i replied.He still looked confused.

"I've never heard of her.Must be a shitty author" He said,now reading the blurb."Thats because she's a muggle.That is a muggle book" i said with my arms crossed smirking.

He shoved the book into my bag as if it had a disease and started walking away.I heard him mumble "Disgusting" under his breath.

I just rolled my eyes and made my way to the Gryffindor common room.

Once i reached my destination i said the Gryffindors password to enter the common room.

I saw Harry,Ron and Hermione,aka,The Golden Trio,all chatting next to the fire."Hello children" i said sitting down next to Hermione.

They all greeted me with "Hey's" and they involved me into the conversation.

"Sirius said that i can spend Christmas with him which i gladly excepted.I cant wait.My first Christmas with my family." Harry said smiling.

I felt so happy for him.He's had to go through a lot.

I sat on my bed getting ready to go to sleep.I grabbed the picture of my brother that sat on my nightstand and sighed.

"Goodnight Dallas,i miss you" i said.I then placed it back in its place and lied down.

It's always been quite hard to sleep after an incident that happened around 2 years ago but soon enough i fell asleep.


I woke to the sound of my alarm and groaned,already dreading whats to come.

I got up and got dressed into my uniform,leaving my hair down.Once i was ready i left my dorm and made my way to the Great Hall.

I entered and Draco noticed me and started whispering to his friends who then looked at me and laughed.

I just smiled sarcastically and waved making them look at me in disgust and turn back around.

I made my way to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to Neville,a kind boy who has always been misjudged.

"Good Morning Neville" i said to the boy.He blushed lightly and mumbled a quick 'good morning' back.

"Good Morning everyone" i greeted.Harry,Ron,Hermione,Fred,George,Ginny,Seamus and Dean all said good morning back.

"So,Delphine" Fred said.I smiled at him."Yes Fred?" i asked."When are you going to let me take you out?" he asked winking at me.

"Lets see,todays Monday soooo,never" i finished.Everyone laughed a little and he glared at me playfully.

I quickly finished my toast and got up."Where are you going?" Harry asked me.

I grabbed my shoulder bag and answered him."Im going to go to the library to return a book" i said.

"Oh is it ok if i come,i need to return a book myself?" Hermione asked me."Yeah of course" i replied.

She got up and we started walking to the exit until we heard Ron shout for us.

"Wait aren't you going to invite us?" he asked catching some attention from other tables.

I laughed a little."You go to the library? i thought you couldnt read?" i shouted back and he put his middle finger up at me whilst some people laughed,Draco included.


Me and Hermione reached the library and i returned the book and then decided to look at other books.

"Oh look who it is,blood-traitor and mudblood Granger" we heard a voice.

I chuckled a little before facing Draco."You following me stalker?" i said to him."What?" he asked with a look of disgust on his face.

"Well you came to see me yesterday and now you have come here,so i just assume your stalking me." i finished

.He didn't say anything.I heard Hermione stifle a laugh and apparently so did Draco.

"What are you laughing at you filthy little mudblood?" he asked which pissed me off.

I raised my hand to slap him in the face but he grabbed it and pinned me to the wall.

"I wouldnt do that if i were you Quinn" he said,his face inches away from my own.

I stared into his eyes,realising how pretty they are.

He soon realised how close we were and he let go walking away.

I let out a breath i didnt know i was holding and faced Hermione.

"That was. . . intense" she said.I looked down and placed a piece of my hair behind my ear before looking back up at her.

"Lets head to class" i say

We reached our first class which was Potion's with Professor Snape.

"We will be working on Amortentia.We will be looking deeper into it in before making it ourselves.I will be giving you 6 weeks for this project and you will be doing it it pairs that i have chosen" Snape finished.

People groaned at the fact that he will be picking the pairs.

He pulled out a piece of paper and started reading out the pairs.

"Harry Potter,Ginny Weasley"

"Hermione Granger,Ronald Weasley"

"Neville Longbottom,Luna Lovegood"

"Pansy Parkinson,Blaise Zabini"

Then i heard the one thing that i've never,EVER,wanted to hear

"Delphine Quinn,Draco Malfoy"

Oh you have to be shitting me.

Love Is A Funny Thing | Draco Malfoy x Delphine QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now