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What should i do today? - asked the girl herself. It was the last week of the summer next week the school start. The whole summer ran very fast by. Alice read through the summer and almost finished every book on her list what was a big list so she was proud of herself. Always come new and new books on her list so it was really challenging to finish those on the list first what already waited one year to be read. Only one serie left, Harry Potter. She was a huge Harry Potter fan but because she first saw the movies she didn't started the books.

- But now the time has began! Harry Potter the boy who lived - mimicked Voldemort's voice and she picked up the first book. She took a deep breath and opened it. When she started reading the first line she felt something strange. The words blurred in front of her eyes and when she looked up from the book the whole room was spinning around. She tried to stand up but fell.

The next time she opened her eyes felt grass under her body. As she looked herself up and down she noticed that 1 she is okay and 2 she wearing the same dress as before started reading. She stand up and looked around. Alice was in a park or something like that, not so far from a city. She walked towards the crowded street and searched for anything familiar. She was almost on the street but before she could walk of the gras something ran across her feet. "Ran" was not the correct word and the something was a little snake who slipped through her feet and tried to slip up on her leg.

- Aw, hey little one - she picked up the little snake and let him wrapped himself on her fingers. Maybe it's just a dream, Alice doesn't know so she didn't bothered herself. She only remembered that started reading and the next thing was finding herslef here in the middle of nowhere. So now with her new buddy, Martin stepped to the street and looked around again. People, old and young walking around talking and laughing at each other. Everything was normal. She turned around to go to the other street but saw something in the corner of her eyes. Suddenly Alice turned back and the other side of the street a really young and dark boy with his mom came out of a shop.

He really looked like ... no it can't be- she tought. Alice held out her hand to him and - Severus - mouted but the boy looked at her and his mouth dropped then smiled at her and send her butterflys. That's when she realised that the hand which she reached out to him was now full of butterflys and all goes to his direction. After she catched herself doing litterly magic the butterflys disappeared. How?! It's not important - shaked her head to clear her thoughts. Severus Snape, the favorite character who has so saddly end that she barely can hold her tears while she thinking of him. And she saw him just few minutes ago.

I need to find him!!

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