Chapter Twenty Two

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*Notice; This is the last chapter of The Styles Twins! However I will be posting a sequel called 'The Change Up'

"I don't know, I mean yes of course I'll marry you you idiot!" Squealing with delight I threw my arms around his neck pulling him in for a kiss.

"I love you Hannah, I want the world to know okay?"

"I love you too Harry"

Okay, so that isn't how it ends. I know you would all like it to be different but in reality, nothing is that simple. You can't have everything you want and in this case it was like that. Endings like that only happen in fairy tales and this wasn't a fairy tail.

"What do you mean no?" Harry asked looking devastated by my answer.

"I mean no. It wasn't supposed to happen like this Harry" I said with tears filling my eyes.

Deep down I wanted to marry him, I wanted it more than anything in the world but my whole life I had wanted it to be special and in a certain way. I'd kill myself for him but just the whole proposal in Niall's flat? It wasn't romantic and I didn't want that to be the story of how we got engaged.

"You always said I was your princess, princesses don't get proposed to in flats Harry" I said trying contain my laughter.

"I know I did but I couldn't wait any longer, I was going to ask you when we went to at the hospital but it didn't feel right. But it does now" Harry's eyes were pleading with me to change my answer.

"Can we talk about this at home? I want to get the kids to sleep" I said wiping the stray tear away from my cheek.

Harry didn't say another word to be until we got home, I had crushed his dream and I didn't know how to fix it. My pride got the better of me and I hated the fact I had said no.

"Ella and Oakley are sleeping, so we can talk" I said sitting next to him.

"What's to talk about? You don't want to marry me." His eyes trailed to our linked hands. "I thought you loved me Hannah, I thought what we had was special" his eyes now locked on mine.

"I did love you Harry, I still do. It's just I'm not ready for all this, I've just given birth for god sake. It's too much for one day, and in Niall's flat?"

"It's the only place I could think of okay. I was going to take you to Paris and asked you on top of the Eiffel Tower and play our song. But the children put stop to that, I was going to make it like a fairy tale Hannah, I really was"

Harry looked broken, I can't believe I was so selfish.

"Harry I- I didn't know, I'm sorry really"

"It's fine, but please Hannah if I asked properly would you say yes? If I took you to Paris? If I played our song? If I asked mum to look after the children for two days?"

"We can't leave the chi-"

"Yes or no Hannah" he cut me of by placing a finger on my lips.


Okay so that's what you wanted. The fairy tale ending of Hannary. Well this fairy tale gets worse before it gets better. Hannah and Harry did get engaged in Paris, the children are growing bigger and bigger everyday. Harry's love for Hannah is so big he could explode the same could be said for Hannah.

But what would a story be without a little wedding drama?

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