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Third's POV
After the mall incident, the 'little' family got ice cream and after that they came back to UA.

They all decided to play some games. Like monopoly but that didn't end up well.

"YOU OWE ME A FUCKING 200 DOLLARS!" Akihiko yelled to Katsuki.


Izuku,Kazuma and Sakura just stopped paying attention to them since they had seen enough of their shit...i mean their fight.

After the monopoly which Izuku won in the end suprisingly.

They played a few games and decided to call it a night since Izuku and Katsuki has school tomorrow.

Izuku tucked in the kids to sleep.
He slowly got out of their room once they were asleep and went to Katsuki's and his room.

Izuku's POV
I saw Kaachan laying in bed shirtless, playing on his phone.

I blushed by the sight of his abs.
You think i would get used to it but no, never.

I gently get on the bed and lay down beside him, as i wrap my arms around his chest, he smiled as he looked down on me.

"Hey." He greeted me.


He kissed my forehead.

"You okay Izu?"

"Yeah just lost in thoughts from today you know. I never knew she liked me." I admitted.

"Well you are oblivious as fuck but that's cute about you i guess but sometimes your too much. I mean it was obvious." I looked at him suprised.

"Do you think she figured out, that you and me are dating?"

"Maybe but i coudn't care less."

"Why not?"

"Because than everyone can know your mine."

I blushed.

"You know the reason i didn't want to tell the class yet because I'm afraid of coming out." I admitted shyly.

"Why didn't you just tell me that?" He looked concern.

"I don't know."

"I'm not gonna push you to tell them but if round face did found out about us and tells them. I'm here with you. If they can't take the fact that your gay than they aren't good enough for you. They are just a bunch of extras." He said proudly. I laughed a little to him by how bold he was.

(A/N: i love soft Bakugo, like plsss)

He gave me a small kiss on the lips.

"Thank you." Soon after that we both have fallen asleep and it was morning before you know it.


First class with All Might. The kids stayed with Nezu this time, he wanted to ask them about the future and found out more about how they came here, he will tell us all the details after school.

We all were standing outside in our gym clothes, just stretching out.

I looked around and saw Kaachan already being done with his streches i came up to him.

"Hey pomeranian." I giggled.

"What did you just call me nerd?" He said angrily a little. I laughed at his reaction.

"Wow midobro you really wanna end up dead by Bakubro." Kirishima said as he went up to us with Kaminari behind him.

"I didn't do anything, i just greeted this pomeranian."

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