the pact

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'Jimin' , a pretty infamous name. Someone who everyone wants to know but stay away from at the very same time. The king of weird likings or should I say gambling. He steals, not only gold and beautiful jewellery but also hearts. As clever and cunning he's known to be, people who've seen him and got scammed by always remarks themselves to be lucky. Using his innocent face to the fullest is the infamous con-artist "Park JiMiN"
But what happens when his face is revealed to the world?
Turns out he doesn't work alone but with the famous mafia  'Jeon Jungkook'. Are they just partners in crime or something more?


Jimin's pov

"Oh my God . That was so funny" Ic ouldn't control my laughter as I was stumbling to get off the bike.

"I actually feel bad for him though" said Taehyung.

" They deserved it. There's nothing to feel bad about those filthy rich businessmen who steal from the Poor's plate." Jimin said annoyed .

"Kay , Robin hood."

"How much did we earn btw?" Tae asked.

" 25 million dollars" 

"I thought it was 50" tae

"Yes, but the half of it will be going where it should have gone in the first place. To the funds for hungry poor children." I might be a con artist, but I don't keep what's not mine. Unless and until I've earned it.

" Only if Jin hyung would be here. He would be so proud". Tae said dramatically wiping his tears.

"Shut up you loner" I rolled my eyes .

"Anygays, I feel like I'm gonna end up becoming frozen dessert if I didn't change this outfit real quick." I felt so cold. We were in the middle of nowhere in mid December and this short/sexy  outfit I used to seduce those perverted old asses wasn't helping either.

Yes we steal from the rich who steal from the poor. But doesn't mean we're good people. We always keep the amount we want to keep and donate the rest of it.

Today we conned the most famous and rich businessmen in Seoul. They stole all the money from the fund they got for the poor hungry children who can't get even one meal of a day.
(a/n : if you're eligible, please kindly donate to any safe site or ngo ). I seduced them got them drunk with our special drink . We gave them hotel room keys which never existed , took all the money and ran away.

It's always like this. Taehyung finds people we can scam, I prepare the plan and jk helps us execute it . Not that he does a lot of work , but keeping Someone buff and  strong always helps. Sometimes I just hate him, if it was not for our 'work' I wouldn't have ever partnered with him. He's just a narcissist , Mr. Know it all. Never talks , and whenever does, it's always something stupid. (A/n: just according to jimin cause he doesn't understand half the shit he says)

I entered the base room we had for the escape plan to change my clothes. 

"It went pretty well huh?" I got startled from the kiddo's voice.

" I mean it was me jungkook, how could anything have faltered?" "And by the way, how did you even get here?"

"Did you forget who booked the room sweet cheeks?" He asked with a smirk.


"Uh, okay if that's what makes you keep going"

"I meant to call ME HYUNG ASSHOLE!"

"okay okay. calm down jeez."

"Stop acting like a brat and get going , I need to change, I'm tired"

"Wouldn't mind a bit of a show" he shrugged.

" Of course you wouldn't you cheeky brat, but YOU. DON'T. DESERVE IT "

" And you think those old hags did?" He said in a serious tone.

" Aww, is lil kookie jealous?"

" And what if I am?" He came closer. With every step forward, I was moving a step backward until my back hit the wall.

" Well...cope with it " I said looking not into is eyes. A bit Scared. He had a bigger taller body than me. I knew it. But being this close made our height difference more apparent. He could easily cover me with his chest alone. I looked at my feet feeling small.

"But Hyung, I don't want to..." He whispered seductively in my ear. I shivered. Was this kid turning me on?

I gulped visibly. "What- what can you do about it" I looked up at him.

"Where did that confident, cheeky Jimin from a minute go huh" He said while smelling my neck.

" I-"  He kissed my neck as soon as I tried to say anything. He sucked my skin where he kissed. It felt so nice. A small yelp escaped my mouth. My knees were feeling weak. He held my tighter by waist. The other hand holding my jaw. Breathing louder. The room suddenly felt hotter.

A knock. "Jimin be quick! The police is almost here! And where the fuck is JK  ? I can't find him."

I pushed him. He looked at me devilishly. Hungrily. Like he was ready to devour me. I have never been this turned on in my life.


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