Part 2- A Strange Encounter

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I awoke from a pleasant slumber from the damning bells of my alarm. The beating in my head reminded me that it was only 7:20am. I piered outside window and saw the thick morning fog cover the ground.

I pulled on a white button up, blue sweater vest with the school's crest on it, and tan khakis. My uniform. Not entirely far from my usual style, but not the colors I would choose.

I ran my fingers through my black, messy hair and sighed. I peered under my bed and grabbed my scent blockers from their hiding place. I popped one of the pills and secured them back between the bed post and the wall.

They worked well enough. My scent was never particularly strong so I could get away with only taking one a day. This way I can live comfortably as a beta, nothing more. I had never even gone into heat before, usually you get your first one between ages 13-16. I'm now 18 and doctors all doubt I ever will have one, I'm likely infertile because of this but I don't mind.

After I brushed my teeth I walked down to the common room with my bag thrown over my shoulder. The same group from yesterday was staring at me again, although this time they were dressed in their uniforms. I tried my best to ignore them so I had the spirit to make it to the end of the day.

Suddenly, a familiar smell stabbed at my senses. I heard the elevator close behind me and I peered around. Elliot.

Great. This guy.

"Oh hello, Cina! " he cheerfully chipped at me as he approached. I noticed that group swiftly diverge their gaze from me, "What class do you have first? "

"English with Abrams, " I responded, I was clenching my teeth in hopes that he wasn't in the same class. But by the way he beamed, I wasn't excited for his response.

"So do I! " shit. "We should walk there together! "

And before I knew it, there I was, walking to class with the most effeminate alpha on the planet. And to the next class. And the next. Luckily, he left me be during lunch and our last periods were in completely different buildings. His perfume was fogging my mind, I was unsure if it had this mind numbing effect on anyone else.

I was taking my sweet time on my way back to the dorm building, enjoying the fresh air. My pace slowed as I saw that group waiting in front of the building, staring at me. Something about them set me off, they gave me a bad feeling in my gut.

I was about to pass them when a tall blonde, likely one of the alphas, called out.

"Hey! Siena, right? " I gulped and turned to face them. I must've looked like easy pickings to them.

"Uhm, no, " I shifted my weight from one leg to the other, "it's Cina, actually... "

"Well, Cina, come over! " another one barked, "Don't be shy, we wanna talk! "

I felt my mouth grow dryer the closer I got. The blonde one pulled me into his side, earning a yelp from me. The group laughed and I felt my cheeks burning.

"Look how tiny! " the blonde exclaimed, I wasn't even up to his chin. I quickly realized that they only called me over to make fun of me, "Y'know you look like a little omega, but smell like a beta. How old are you? 14? "

"I'm 18 actually, and I'd prefer if you'd let me go, " I said as calmly as I could. The worst mistake of my life would be to piss off an alpha who could snap me in two. The group laughed and a few went 'aww.'

My stomach was doing  somersaults. I was basically shoved into his scent glands. This was worse than Elliot's weird perfume, this made me want to gag. I started breathing through my mouth when I realized one of them was trying to speak to me.

"Hey are you even listening? " a guy with spiky, dark brown hair asked. I looked up and him and gave him a confused look. He sighed, "What were you doing with Ellie? "



"Elliot? " I said his name out loud, mostly for myself to get my bearings, "I don't know, I met him yesterday and we have classes together. Why, is he a problem or something? "

I highly doubted he was. Besides being a little weird, he didn't see like he har ill intent. The blondy let me go and the entire group looked uncomfortable.

"Well no, he's just... " blondy said, rubbing his neck. He looked like he was trying to find the right words, "We used to be friends a few years back, but he dropped us. He's kind of a loner now, just wanted to know what made him so interested in you. "

"I don't know, " I ran into the dormitory before I could be pressed further.

I immediately sprinted to the showers and scrubbed the blonde's scent from my body. It felt disgusting being so close to an alpha like that. But as I bathed I started to wonder... Why is Elliot so interested in me?

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