Chapter One: Brand New Life

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So here I am, walking to the most powerful and secret place imaginable. Something that changes the most understanding of the Mage community. The same ones that I hate above all else. I walk up a large snowing mountain for the past 3 days without much help or direction. On the mountainside stood a small cut-in for a large door. I walk in and all I saw was a large empty cemented grey room.

Once I step in, the room turns blue. Then some female robotic voice can be heard as the doors behind me close automatically. "Base sequence: human genome confirmed. Alignment: Lawful Neutral." Uh, what?

"Welcome to the data center for the future of humankind. This is the security Organization for the Preservation of Humanity, Chaldea. Fingerprint, voiceprint, and DNA authentication cleared. Magical Circuit assessment complete."

"What?" I said "Username matched. You are recognized as a member of the primates. Nice to meet you. You're our final visitor today. We hope you enjoy your time here. We are very sorry, another 180 seconds is needed to complete the admission process. Enjoy a simulated battle while you wait."

"That is stupid." "Regulation: Senior. Contract Servants: Saber, Lancer, Archer. There will be no record of your score. Please feel free to enjoy. Activating the Heroic Contract. Beginning stimulation now."

The next thing I knew, three people were fighting a huge-looking rock monster. I blackout afterward, but I did hear something that said "Gate opening Welcome to Chaldea. Master candidate of humanity."

I then felt something wet on my cheek as I sleep. I open my eyes to see some weird pokemon looking thing licking my face as the lights blind me. "..... Umm. Since it's neither morning nor night, please wake up, Senpai." I look to my right to see a pink-haired girl with a white coat over a black uniform kneeling before me. She spoke in a monotone voice as she continue to look at me while the pokemon get off my chest.

 She spoke in a monotone voice as she continue to look at me while the pokemon get off my chest

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"Um, hello. Who are you?" I ask her. "That's a hard question to answer suddenly." She started as she thinks hard about how to answer the simple question. "Maybe I'm not important enough for you to know my name? No, I do have a name. I have a proper name. But I never really had the chance to use it... I'm afraid I didn't leave a good first impression, however ......"

"Huh?" I am now lost. "..... Ahem." She cleared her throat to signal that she is going to answer my question or change it. "Anyways, can I ask you a question, Senpai? You were asleep, but I don't see why you'd sleep in the hall. Can you not sleep unless you're on a hard bed?"

"I was asleep?" I ask, dumbfound. "Yes, like a log. It was such a deep sleep, it was almost textbook." Then the little pokemon jump around. "Fou! Kyuuu! Kyao!" It 'spoke'. "..... I completely forgot. I still haven't introduced you yet, have I, Fou? This squirrel-like creature is Fou. He's a privileged Life Form allowed to freely walk around Chaldea till further notice. Fou led me here, and that's how I ran into you Senpai."

"Uh, thank you, Fou. I guess." I said to it. It jumps up and down. "Fou. Mmkyu, Fou!" It then ran away, happily. "Uh, does he do that a lot?" I ask the girl. "Yeah. He does that sometimes, just walks around. Doing whatever he wants."

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