Chapter Three: Jeanne D'Arc

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I open my eyes, on the ground, staring at the sky. There was a large circle that was sucking up the clouds. Must be the Singularity eating away at humanity's past. A ring of light. I wonder who created it. I stand up and look around my surroundings.

"So that is the sky?" I turn my head to see Mashu looking at the sky. "This is the first time seeing the sky." She said before turning to me. "I mean the snowstorm that is always on the mountain does block the sky. So I guess that this would be your first time. But it not what the sky look like." "I see Senpai."

"But I promise you this Mashu. One day, I will show you the real sky." I said to her before hearing some sort of chatter. "Master," Mashu said as we walk up a hill to see several men dressed in armor. French Scout Brigade. Smaller than a usual one, but still they are working together. Escaping something. I wonder what.

"Mashu, stay here. I am going to speak to them." I command her as I walk down there to speak to them in French. "My fellow countrymen, what has happened? I just came back from a journey in the far east." One walked up to me. "Jeanne D'Arc, she had come back for revenge. She brought several hundred dragons with her. The Dragon Witch is what she became. The king is dead and all we can do is fight for ourselves and fellow countrymen."

"Come back?" I ask. "The English took her some time ago, and the king didn't save her. She came back from the dead. You have to leave now. Before it is too late." The soldier explains back to me. "I see then. Well, can I go with you? I know some great medicine that could help in your fight." I said to them. The Captain of the Brigade walks up to me. "You know advance Medicine boy?" He asks and I nod to him.

He then motioned for me to follow them back to a fort nearby. I then explain to them that I have a friend that could help against the dragons. They agree to let her follow them and I call over Mashu. The two of us follow them.

At the fort, a bunch of wyverns began to attack. "Mashu. We have to fight back now." I heard a voice and I repeat it. "Artoria." Then a blue circle appear and out came the knight. "Saber Class Artoria Alter. Here to defend you master." She said as the wyverns screeched at her. "Artoria. Attack the wyverns." She nod and began to walk up to the few that land on the fort itself.

"Die you worms." She said as she start to hack them up. Halfway through, she stops and looks towards the soldiers. "Soldiers of France. You are guardians of the people! Raise your swords and fight! Fight! Fight for France!" This somehow inspires them to fight back with what they got.

 "Soldiers, douse yourself with water! You can momentarily defend against their flames!" A strange voice shouted which cause fear in a few men. 

I look to see a strange woman with blonde hair carrying a flag of France at the entrance. Several soldiers nearby look at her with fear. She walks up to one and gives him a sword. "Please pick up your weapon and fight. Fight for France. Together. We can win. Follow me, I will carve a path through the enemy." She said as the soldiers look at each other before agreeing to follow her orders.

" She said as the soldiers look at each other before agreeing to follow her orders

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