Hello everyone,
This story is all about the beauty contest held in Tokyo's Nerima Ward School. Where Shizuka takes part and represents her class and further.. read the story :)
I hope you will definitely enjoy it and support me further.
(Continuing) Shizuka:Soraen, Can you help me to choose my dress for the contest?
Soraen:Ya, Why not?
(Shizuka open her cupboard and shows her dresses to Soraen)
Soraen chooses this dress for shizuka..
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Though it was black in color and beautiful but shizuka wanted a fresh and attractive color, and refuses Soraen's choice.
Shizuka wore the same dress for the annual day of her school so she wanted something else, but Soraen wasn't agreeing.
Soraen in anger leaves shizuka's house and challenges shizuka for the contest.
'You old fashioned Shizuka remember I am the beauty of the school and I am gonna win the contest, be careful from me' says Soraen in over confidence and bashes the door loudly.
(Shizuka was very sad, she was lonely crying in her room)
Till then, there was again knock on the door and now it was Nobita.
He pushes the door and it was open. He was quite surprised as shizuka and her mom never leaves the door open.
He enters happily, and calls shizuka.
"Hi Shizuka, Where are you? ", Says Nobita.
There was no one else in the house, nobita hunts in the Hall and kitchen.
Finally he climbs the stairs and opens the door.
He saw Shizuka crying in the corner of her room.
'What happened Shizuka? , please don't cry Otherwise I will also start crying' Says nobita with possessiveness.
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Shizuka looks at Nobita. She was still crying.
Nobita wipes her tears and asks the reason for her shed tears.