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The moon sat in the sky, it's white light shining down and dimly lighting the road for the two Avengers to see. Olivia's eyes were drooping, tired from staying up, and she was sure Steve's were too.

But they were almost home, Olivia forced herself awake just enough to point out directions without accidentally falling off the motorcycle. They pulled into the apartment parking garage, Steve managing to park right next to Olivia's pristine white Audi R8 GT, gifted to her by her father.

She giggled as Steve helped her off the bike, "that's my car," she said, pointing to said car.

Steve chuckled at her obviously delirious condition, picking her up bridal style, "where am I going?" He asked her, feeling her head lull to the side and nestle into his chest.

"Fifth floor, apartment 10A," she mumbled in her sleepy state, wrapping her arms around his neck. Steve made his way up to the apartment, "key is on my necklace," she mumbled to him again.

Steve climbed the stairs, being careful he didn't bump her head on the hand railing leading up the stairs. When he finally made it he walked down the hall, checking the numbers on the doors until he found 10A at the end.

He sighed, looking back and forth between the locked door and the sleeping woman in his arms who had the key. Steve stood there for a couple minutes, trying to figure out how he was going to get inside.

Then by a grace of god, a blonde woman dressed in scrubs and totally unprepared for her shift at the hospital, walked out of the neighboring apartment and locked the door behind herself.

"Excuse me, sorry," Steve called to the woman, getting her attention.

The woman looked at her neighbor and chuckled, "late night at the bar again?" She guessed, "you're a gentleman for taking her home," the woman continued.

"No, we just got in from New York," Steve informed her, "I'm just glad she didn't fall asleep riding on the back of my motorcycle," he continued.

The woman nodded with an impressed face, "usually she's asleep by ten, so this is a new record," she lightly joked, "here, let me help you," she suggested, moving to take the long necklace off the Stark's neck.

The woman unlocked the door and opened it for Steve to walk through, "thank you, so much," steve said, giving the woman a small smile.

"No problem," the blonde said, "I'm Kate, if you need anything you can just knock," Kate smiled.

"Steve Rogers," he introduced himself, "nice to meet you Kate and thank you, same goes for you, if you need anything you can ask us."

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