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After repeated psychological struggles, Xiao Zhan decided to sign the contract.

He arrived at the audition 10 minutes earlier than the appointed time. After checking in with the receptionist, he was taken to the lounge.

There were already two people sitting in the lounge. One of them was the GV actor, who appeared to be more petite than his photo suggested. He glanced indifferently at the door when Xiao Zhan walked in, gave him a cursory glance, and closed his eyes and continued to listen to music.

In comparison, Ah Li was much more passionate. “Hi, may I call you Zhan?” Ah Li sat down next to him, all of a sudden too close to Xiao Zhan, who let out an almost imperceptible frown, but altogether managed to maintain a warm look on the surface.

“Sure, you are Ah Li?” Ah Li immediately raised a his eyebrows in pleasure, “You know me?”

Xiao Zhan lifted the corner of his mouth, “Xiao Chun and I discussed you several times. He said as long as you appeared in the issue of the magazine, sales will be particularly good.”

This may have been said as a polite remark, but it was also true. He had a slender and sturdy body, a handsome face, and a pleasing smile, like a golden retriever that followed you around everywhere. This look was very popular among female readers.

“What’s that, I simply can not compare with you,” Ah Li smiled embarrassedly, “Hey, can I exchange numbers with you?”

“Fine,” Xiao Zhan took out his cell phone from his pocket. After the exchange was completed, Ah Li moved his hands over his phone and, soon after, Xiao Zhan’s cell phone vibrated.

His alert indicated he received an email from Ah Li. Xiao Zhan glanced at him, and then opened the message, which read: Why don’t we try making a team, the guy next to you looks a little too enigmatic. Finally, a big smiley emoji was attached.

Xiao Zhan looked at that smelly faced GV star, and unable to stop himself from sneering slightly, returned: I guess.

They looked at each other, and reached a consensus. The next second, the door whipped open and Xiao Zhan looked back as a tall man came in. Xiao Zhan initially thought he was a staff member, but after seeing his face, he felt he was a bit familiar.

“Yibo,” called the GV star that they had been mutually ignoring. He put down his phone, removed his headphones, and spoke with a tone of voice that hinted at past intimacy.

“Long time no see. I didn’t think you would promise to perform this film, I asked Naho and them, they all told me you decided to quit the circle … ”

“Who are you?” The tall man frowned with indifference, and paid no account to his kindness.

Xiao Zhan, having seen his frown, suddenly remembered he was that AV star. It’s just that he had flamboyant brown-blonde hair in his photo, and it was now a low-key black.

The GV star was blindsided by that blunt answer to his polite questioning, and his face reddened with embarrassment. After taking a bit of time to calm his temper, he replied with a smile, “I am Xiang, and we met before at Naho’s party.”

Wang Yibo let out a nondescript sound, and did not respond any more. He showed no interest in getting along with the other side.

Xiang’s smiling face finally lost its liveliness. The atmosphere in the room was left completely awkward as time dragged on. Finally, someone knocked lightly at the door several times before pushing it open. A young female staffer with a sweet smile walked in.

“If you are ready, please move with me to the studio on the fourth floor.”

Wang Yibo was the first to stand up, and the other three people also began to rise following him.

Xiao Zhan stared at Wang Yibo’s back, secretly praying he would not have to cooperate with that man. Filming a GV itself was already a very unpleasant thing. If he had to partner with someone with such a poor personality, Xiao Zhan really could not imagine how things would boil down during filming.

It was probably his silence that caused Ah Li to misunderstand. Xiao Zhan felt his shoulder get patted gently; he looked up and saw Ah Li smiling at him kindly.

“So are you nervous?” Ah Li asked. Xiao Zhan chuckled and was about to answer, when he heard Xiang make a disapproving humming sound.

“Are you going to shoot or join hands? If you’re looking for a quickie please go online to find a better place, it’s less disgusting than being seen here.”

The corridor was not spacious, and Xiang did not suppress his volume,  so everyone heard his provocative words. Ah Li’s face was twisted in anger, and even Wang Yibo looked back, but Xiao Zhan paid him no mind.

When ridiculed in the past, he was accustomed to constant paparazzi during filming. This was still just a minor case.

He looked down at Xiang’s eyes, his tone faint, “Why? Eating a turtle in someone else’s place? Or are those words actually for yourself?1” He went on with his head held high.

That was the best comeback he had ever made, and he had to leave the scene before the other side made a counter. That way, the other person could only hate him in his heart.

They crowded into the elevator, and Xiao Zhan pretended to inadvertently sweep a glance. Sure enough, the other side was still full of anger. He could’t help laughing, and suddenly felt someone staring at him.

He turned his eyes and, unexpectedly, caught sight of Wang Yibo. The two people looked at each other, and then the next second they put their heads aside.


Note: In the original novel, the other make protoganist is a Japanese. So I went with the flow here. Which means, in this story, Wang Yibo is from Japan.


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