Another day

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It was about 6:30 in the morning when my alarm went off. I groaned at the loud beeping noise that made my ears ache each time it rang. I couldn't stand Monday mornings. As I got out of bed I slipped on some warm cozy socks to protect my feet from the cold tile floor in my bedroom.
I slowly walked to the restroom and brushed my teeth. Once I finished that I went back to my room to get dressed. Ugh what a long day it was gonna be at school with the annoyingly long tests I had to take. The only good thing was that I got to see my four best friends in the whole wide world! Buuut.. That's about it.
I couldn't stand going to school with messy hair so I ran my fingers through it as I looked in my mirror and played with it until I was comfortable with my look, I then smiled into the mirror and told myself that I would try to make today a good day.
"Harry!C' mon we're gonna be late!" My mum yelled out to me as I hurried down the stairs. When I approached her a slight smile crossed my face when I saw her at the door, just seeing her made my day better. She saw me and smiled as well, along with that she gave me a hug and told me she loved me just like she does every morning. I would say I was rather a mommy's boy just because well I really don't know why I've just always been one. She handed me the keys to her car and told me to be careful, I was rather surprised that my mum would let me take her car but I didn't argue with it I just took the keys and said thanks and I told her I loved her.
I walked out my front door and put everything in the car. I checked the time and I had about 30 minutes to get to school, which wasn't a problem considering I live like 10 minutes away.
I pull into my school parking lot to only find my four best friends there..waiting for me. "Hey guys!", I yelled out to them as I ran toward their direction. "Hey haz!", My friend Niall called out to me. All the other guys waved at the same time that Niall replied. My four friends were Liam, 'the charmer', Niall, the so called 'adorable one', Louis, the 'incredibly funny one, and Zayn the 'bad boy from Bradford', then there is me 'the flirt'.
We were the most popular group in school but we didn't bully anyone like they do In the movies, that's just horrible.
I went to my first class as usual and tested there. Man, it was so boring.
That class finally finished and before I knew it I met up with the guys at lunch. As I walked in I saw all the girls looking at me and waving like they usually do, I just smile and wave back to be nice because my mum raised me to have good manners. (It's not like my sister did) I found my table and sat down with the guys. "Hey Harry you want to come over to Liam's house tonight, he's having movie night again!", Niall said amusingly. "Sure.", I replied, wondering what kind of movie the guys wanted to watch tonight. "I'll bring the carrots!" Louis said brightening up the mood and making us laugh. I walked to my last class of the day eagerly waiting to leave. But then I remembered that I still have work today. Ugh I wish I would've taken off so I could go to Liam's house earlier, but ehh I got to be responsible and make some money. HAH! Who am I kidding! I'll just call in sick and go tomorrow. The bell rang and I hurried out the door and went straight home to change out of my school clothes into something comfortable. On the way to Liam's I saw a moving truck pull Into the house down the street from my house. "Hmmm.. I wonder who is moving in", I thought to myself as I continued driving.
NOTE: This is only my first chapter so stay tuned for more. And little does Harry know that the neighbor will be pleasing to his eye ;) if ya like if then please tell me and if any ideas feel free to tell me thanks.

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