I'm a Monster

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Hermione gently stirred, the feeling returning to her extremities. Being petrified was the strangest sensation. Hermione could hear everything, she was conscious of everything, but she couldn't move, respond, even think. All she could do was listen.

She listened to Y/N's tears. She listened to his heartbreak. She listened to Snape and Pomfrey desperately try to reach him. She heard his confession of love.

Her eyesight gradually returned, but her eyes hurt. She reached up to rub them before she heard a soothing deep baritone voice say to her gently:

"Allow me to place these eye drops in Ms Granger, it will ease your discomfort."

Hermione smiled and nodded, involuntarily blinking as the cold liquid was applied. Her vision gradually cleared and Hermione was shocked to look up at the smiling face of Professor Snape.

"How are you feeling Ms Granger?" He asked with a gentle smile.

"Stiff and sore, sir" Hermione said with a grimace as he helped her sit. She looked around- Justin and Colin were sitting looking woozy, Nearly Headless Nick and Lady Fraser were floating out the door, Cedric and Beatrice were hugging in tears and Mr Filch was squeezing a meowing Mrs Norris, spinning her and crying happily. Hermione looked around and Sev answered, as if reading her mind:

"Y/N vanquished the Heir and the monster two days ago. No one has seen him since. I believe he is in your special place, but I have given him space. He has... learned things about himself. Things that are difficult for him to accept. He will need you, Hermione. I think you should speak to Mr. Potter before you seek out my Godson."


Hermione ran through the halls of Hogwarts, desperately trying to get to the Great Hall. It was lunchtime and that's where the students would be congregated.

She was panicking at Severus's cryptic words. What did Y/N learn in the Chamber? What happened to make him withdraw from everyone?

Her lungs were on fire as she finally made it through the doors. Lavender saw her first and squealed in happy excitement- rushing over and gripping Hermione in a tight hug as she sobbed.

Harry was next, he and Hermione hugging tightly before Ron and Hermione shared an awkward handshake.

"Professor Snape brought me out of the petrification" Hermione said cheerfully, before worry etched itself on her face:

"He told me to speak to you, Harry. About the Chamber. About Y/N."

Harry nodded solemnly and replied:

"We should go somewhere private."


The four friends entered a disused classroom and closed the door. Hermione cast a silencing charm around the room, just as Y/N had shown her. She turned to Harry, asking:

"What happened? Is Y/N ok?"

Harry sighed:

"He's ok, at least physically. He was banged up in the fight though. The first thing you need to know Hermione is when you were petrified, Y/N was..."

For You I Will #2- The Chamber Of Secrets Where stories live. Discover now