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📍Venice, Italy

Thank god the government let my company operate again while the settlement is still on-going

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Thank god the government let my company operate again while the settlement is still on-going. I'm finally can enjoy this little getaway.

Jessica is getting married at Positano Village, Italy. Me and Sooyoung and Tiffany decided to stop by at Venice to do some shopping. The day is almost over, we decide to just walk and enjoy the views while holding eachother arms.

"When was the last time we are here?"-Sooyoung

"Uhmm like 2yrs ago.."-Tiffany

"Yah! back when you are heartbroken with Nickhyun"-Taeyeon

"Omg! I remembered you are so drunk we can't even walk😂"- Sooyoung said

"I remembered you went overboard with shopping to the point the bank called to confirm if it's a fraud"-Taeyeon

"Yeah it happened in a normal day, I do go overboard with shopping"-Tiffany

"Speaking of shopping, you mentioned about your purchase at Tiffany's and Co that you don't even remembered"-Sooyoung

"It was actually for Taeyeon's wedding ring"-Tiffany

Sooyoung paused for a moment.

"OMG I almost forgot how's the date with your husband went? are you both getting divorce or not?"-Sooyoung ask with her teasing eyes locked on mine

"Uhmm.. yeah we are getting divorce after 5months"-Taeyeon

"Why 5 months? you can instantly get divorce right away"-Tiffany

"He actually offered me something"-Taeyeon

They both ghasp and stop walking

"Omg what did he offered?"-Sooyoung

They are now looking at me like a bunch of owls 😂

"He said, he will get me the loan I needed if I pretend to be his wife, so that his grandfather will pass on the company to him, because his grandfather obviously seen our marriage contract"-Tayeon


They are both happily jumping on excitement.

I just rolled my eyes and continue to walk.

"You might fall inlove in pretending"-Tiffany

"I know this sounds like a drama but I will never fall inlove with him"-Taeyeon

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