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In sidneet house

Avu:- sid wha was the behavior
Sid:- nothing just get lost
Avu:- what
Sid:- u didn't hear me get lost
Avu nodded and left

Some days later
Sidneet is not going well it's getting worst
Their chemistry is not good sid always is angry on her
With no reason and today he is leaving the house for some job work
And don't know when will he come
As soon as sid left avneet started to cry violently cursing her life
She was crying mostly bc her baby life was getting ruined

After 2 months
the door bell rang Avneet went to check
As soon as she open left her shock she saw her
Husband after 2 freaking months she  hugged him
But he pushed her back and said "heyy heyy control
Your emotions I am not only yours now" said Sid
"What are u saying siddharth"said avneet "because I am going
To be his second wife"said jannat coming from back with suit case
"What siddharth you can not do this" said avneet "ohh I just did I am engaged to her"
Said Sid Avneet just left crying to her room "I cannot help it Avu I can't help u" said Sid In his brain mean while with avneet she was crying in her bed throwing pillows every where "how could siddharth nigam HOW" said avneet crying violently "he just did" said jannat from behind "leave me alone u already took my husband aren't u satisfied" said avneet "oh I didn't wanted take ur husband he proposed me himself I didn't even force him and ya I like when u cry" said jannat laughing violently Sid heared it all from behind and whisper to himself "I am sorry but I don't have any other option my love"
" it's better if I leave" said avneet while opening her cupboards and taking out clothes
Soon she packed her bag till now jannat had left her going to sid in living room they both were watching a horror film and jannat was side hugging him bc she was acting scared soon avneet came down and saw them in this position and said "ahem ahem" said avneet Sid pauses the film and saw her with suitcases and was about to leave
"Where are u going" said Sid "anywhere non of ur business and I will give u divorce paper as soon as I can so u will have only one wife and ya you didn't even care of our child while taking this step now he/she is only mine only mine" said avneet
She left In her car she ordered while Sid jump into his car and followed Avu car
In Avu car "why why life hates me my love first  i couldn't get the god gave me second chance then also I couldn't take my love why" whisper avneet to herself


Guys this is the 2nd last episode

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