Merry christmas(side story)

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Sorry I didn't post a new ch for a long time bc I was very unsure what to write for a long time
And merry Christmas even tho I should had said it earlier

City of keyoto:
The snow peacefully covered the city as if it was celebrating the new year and Christmas
Christmas was celebrated as a day where family enjoyed time with family and friends, gifts were handed to each other as everyone bid each other good fortunes for the new year. Christmas itself was  still a new concept to Eurasians as it was just introduced to them by Americans soldiers who were teleported to this world during the Eurasian civil war.

Shindo hanato decided to get some Deep fired dragon from Johnson&George barbecue. As Shinto entered the restaurant and was greeted by a deep accent voice from the owner "Homai shildo! Howa mis ya!" (Hello shindo, how your day!)
Shindo hid his laughs at Johnson attempt to speak his hometown language, of course it is rude to laugh at a foreign man attempt to speak hanato, of course it would be rude to not greet himself so he did a slight bow and spoke in a soft accent in his attempt to speak English, "hewlo johnsa, mai daye wasi gud" shindo quickly reminded himself it was Christmas and he should celebrate Christmas with his Americans friends. "Oh asla merri chrismas johnsa!"
Johnson laughed out loud at shindo attempt to speak English and decided to speak in English, "merry Christmas to you too shildo"

Shindo ordered his usual wyvern burger and deep fried dragon from the menu, and he decided to talk to Johnson about baseball.
"Doya amerisacan watch basebrawl during Chrismas?"
Johnson looked at shindo with surprise at this sudden question...and he decided to just smile and headpat shindo who was relatively short and could be mistaken as a child if it wasn't for his uniform and name tag.
Johnson looked at most of his Eurasian really hard to tell apart the Eurasians despite the different species the Eurasian costumers were....the Eurasian angels were the easiest to spot due to their glowing crystals wings and shining halo.
Tho the other Eurasian species besides having certain animal ears and tails were hard to tell apart.
The way they just crushed the bones with their teeth's was extremely bad for his ears...but he had been serving them for years and know that Eurasian jaws are strong enough to crush bones....I mean they can eat rocks so it isn't surprising they can eat bones also.

The joy of his customers were his pride after all.

Imperial palace,city of Antanyo:

A cheerful voice can be heard from a small little girl running to the imperial throne room dressed up as Santa Claus, "Mummy! I got a gift for you during Christmas!" The small girl was smiling and handed her gift to the empress, the small little princess looked at her mother with those cute adorable eyes with high expectations her mother would her gift.

Empress noshino intimating appearance disappeared and was replaced by a dotting mother who would open the present from her daughter carefully and neatly as to not let her daughter cry. The gift was a smaller version of the empress herself as a plushie...despite been badly stitch up the empress can tell it was made her daughter....she hugged her daughter tightly as she began to praise her daughter for the gift.

The princess eventually left the imperial throne room after her mother let her go and entered a room....she turned to face the reader and gave a big smile and waved. "Hewo readers! Princess Nashia says merri Chrismas to yall"

 "Hewo readers! Princess Nashia says merri Chrismas to yall"

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(I do not own the drawing, credit goes to the owner)

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