Part 60

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They were all back in India now, after a whole lot of fun at Greece, Greece would always be special to Manik and Nandini now. Clustered at the Murthys,from where Nandini's farewell was to take place. Not really was it an emotional Vidaai, cause the distance was not really far but still you cannot expect no tears to fall knowing your daughter will be less your daughter, and more a daughter in law now, less a Murthy and more a Malhotra now,Ishita could not control but shed a few tears hugging her dearest. 

"Ishita stop crying, Nandini is around " said Nyonika hugging her.

Ishita nodded staring admiringly at the beautiful family her daughter got.

While Nandini was hugging Abhimanyu who kissed her forehead and smiled at her,returning the smile graciously she met Raman and finally did let her tears fall seeing tears in her father's eyes. Whatever may the situation be,just thinking about tears in your father's eyes,daughters can never avoid tearing up,FACT!

Though,assuring Raman and being assured she smiled at him and sat in the car as Abhimanyu opened the door for her.


Though,the Malhotra Mansion and Murthy Mansion were in the very same area but obviously owing to the security the area had and the high profile,no houses were adjacent or too close and there were difference of lanes definitely. 

In the car, Nandini smiled at Manik who did not leave her hand for once since they were out from the Murthys gates and 7-8 km to Malhotras, she knew he would not even leave it now and so she leaned on to his shoulders . Manik peecked her forehead.

"What's going on in your little mind?" Manik asked poking her head with his thumb.

"Hmm?" Nandini retaliated not knowing hot to form words.

Manik raised his eyebrows back at her again,to which Nandini sighed.

"Manik,umm , nothing."

"Come on Nandini,you know you are not good at this."

Nandini was still looking at him unsure with a little tinge of red on her cheeks.

"Manik do you think we are ready for"

"For?" Though,by now Manik knew what she actually was talking about but he wanted her to say that,the transparency was now needed and now that they were married,awkwardness needed to fade away.

Nandini with his expressions clearly knew he knew but she also knew why he was wanting her to say that and not that she was ashamed or awkward,just that she had never had a conversation about intimacy with anyone yet.

"For a physical relationship between us?" said Nandini confidently with no sprinkle of blush or awkwardness.

This surprised Manik but made her happy beyond words, he was glad they were on the same track. Smilingly,he answered to her,

"Nandini, let me say this loud and clear,this decision will never be only mine,but ours. Whenever we are ready, we will talk about it. For now, I just wish to enjoy this phase with you around me,unconditionally."


Nandini smiled at him and kissed him on his cheeks, while they were back chit-chatting all the way to Malhotras.


Nandini's outfit:

Nandini and Manik were at the main entrance where Nyonika was welcoming Nandini pouring all her love on her

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Nandini and Manik were at the main entrance where Nyonika was welcoming Nandini pouring all her love on her. Following all the rituals,Manik and Nandini stepped in the house hands in hands glorifying the abode. Nyonika hugged Nandini tightly who hugged her back.

"Welcome to your home beta" said Nyonika with all the warmth she had.

Raj patted her head welcoming her, and gifting her the necklace they had got made for their first daughter-in-law.

It was night by now,already and so Nandini and Manik stepped up to teir rooms while the others went back to theirs too. 

Manik entered the room first and asked Nandini to come in a little later. When she did,it was all dark around.

"Manik" she called out trippling on a few things.

"Oh Oh careful and stand still for some time Mrs. Malhotra before you sprain your leg on the very first day here" she heard Manik say.

"Nandini,I know you know that I love you even when I do not say that all the while but trust me,I love you so much already that these 3 mere words cannot contain it all and so actions speak louder,that's what you always say. You remember the first time you came in this room? The reviews you had Oh my God, this is dull,that is dark,no lights no brightness but you know what?that's because you are the real essence of the brightness in my life and now that you are here ,it will all be bright,always. Though,you have already taken over our family, Mom,she loves you so much but it would be false if I say I am jealous,I am not , I am happy that you have made her love you so much,Thankyou for that Nandini,thankyou for making me love you so much and before you start with your non-stop tears,I know you have them in your eyes already,but please as soon as the lights are on, I wanna see you smile."

And he was right, Nandini had no words. She was amused,was she really that lucky? the tears had engulfed her vision completely but not wanting to cry at all on a day as special as that, she smiled and the smile turned wider as the lights were on. 

His room was transformed completely, from lightning in every corner to bright bedsheets,bright wall colours,complimenting rug mats and their pictures, a wall of theirs and just theirs,rigt from the Roka to Marriagee,it had everything. She fell short of words . Seeing Manik standing beside her she just hugged him tightly,very,very tightly.

"Crazy woman,nevermind,did you like this?" asked Manik looking at her.

Nandini nodded and hugged him again, muttering thankyous and I love yous against his chest,while he just hugged her more tightly with his chin over her head.

Nandini nodded and hugged him again, muttering thankyous and I love yous against his chest,while he just hugged her more tightly with his chin over her head

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This was the beginning of their forever!

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This was the beginning of their forever!

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