Just a heads up this poem is not mine alone. It was written along with my buddy Josh Moore :)
So many things to do, so many things to say,
What happens if we wait another day?
If I was to grab up this feeling and marched to the fray.
Would you hold me tonight and while I stay?
I'll hold you if you stay and grasp your hand tightly.
I'd tell you I love you and caress your face lightly.
My heart beats faster now as I hold you tighter,
But off I must go they send me to be a fighter.
Before you go... confess to me one thing,
Am I truly your love or am I just another swing?
You're love is like my air without it I couldn't live.
So I ask you, will you take this heart I give?
If you say it is truly mine to take then take it I will,
But in return take mine and share the way I feel.