⛸Then there's the landing (4/4)

2.1K 123 138

Warnings - none, surprisingly, maybe injury?

Words - 10K+ out of 45K+


Chaeyoung wakes up with a groan. She feels like shit, but her alarm is going off, even though it feels as if she only slept for two hours or so. She opens her eyes and squints them, wondering how it's possible that it's still dark if her alarm is going off. It takes her a few moments to realize that it's not her alarm that woke her up, just her ringtone.

She pats on the bedside table to find her phone and, hopefully, tell whoever it is that is calling her in the middle of the night to go fuck themselves. She finds and the light of the screen blinds her, she can make out the time, it's two in the morning.

She swipes right on the screen and puts the phone to her ear.

"Who is it?" she asks groggily, there's silence for a second.


Chaeyoung is awake. Definitely awake, hell, she's ready to run a fucking marathon.


"I woke you up."

"Yeah." Chaeyoung sits up on the bed and lays her back on the wall "You did."

"Sorry." there's rustling for a moment "Shit, it's two A.M. in Los Angeles? I didn't even notice it was so late. Or early, I guess. It depends on your view of the world, you know? Like, glass half empty or half full and all that shit."

"What do you want?"

Yes, she's being petty. She has the right.

Jennie sighs, it's quiet on her side of the phone "I'm in America."

"'s that so?" Chaeyoung rubs her eyes.

"New York."


"I'm here for a shoot, for some magazine, don't remember. I'm so jetlagged." a pause "Gotta say, their Burger King is the shit."

"What do you want, Jennie?"

"I just-" Chaeyoung hears her swallow hard "I just thought about you."

"You thought about me."

"All of this American air and I thought about you, yeah, sue me."

Chaeyoung closes her eyes "You can't do this shit, Jennie."

"I don't-"

"It's selfish." Chaeyoung whispers "You're being selfish."

There's silence then, the room is dark and Chaeyoung can only make out the lines of her furniture, Jennie's slow breathing in her ear.

"It is, isn't it?" Jennie sniffs "I'm selfish like that."

"Wait, are you- shit, don't cry, what the fuck?"

"I'm not!" she sniffles again, Chaeyoung is a weak bitch and her heart clenches.

"You're not the one who should cry!"

"I'm sorry if I'm an emotional asshole, okay?!"

"We're not gonna fight on the phone." Chaeyoung sighs "Just- stop crying, don't make me feel like shit."

"Listen, I just thought about you and I felt terrible and I- I think we should talk." Jennie mutters something in Korean "I miss you."

"You're such a fucking asshole."

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