Chapter 1- Alone

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I was sitting in my room wearing a red shirt with some grey sweats, I had my light brown hair into a messy ponytail, I was waiting for Trevor to sneak in. We have been hooking up over the summer without my cousin Sean knowing.

Me, Sean, Brandon and Trevor have been best friends ever since we were five, due to me getting bullied by Hailee cause I did not hang out with girls and that I was a boy, I was about to punch her in the nose but Trevor being Trevor held me back while Sean and Brandon dealt with it.

Lately everything has been going down hill, Sean has been up my ass lately because of my parents divorce, which made both of my parents agree to send me to camp while they fought all summer, I got home a few hours ago.

My body was all sweaty, I didn't really eat over the summer, I got up from the corner I was sitting in and looked at the mirror that was stood against my wall, I had big bags under my eyes, my body was more slim, I looked like a bag of bones, and my makeup was a mess.

I heard a knock on my window, I turned around and saw Trevor holding food in his hand.

"I brought snacks" he laughed as I opened the window, when I opened the window he tripped and fell on me, then both of us started laughing.

"What movie are we gonna watch T?" I asked, as he sat down and grabbed the remote placing the food on the left of him.

He was about to answer when both of our phones went off. I took my phone out of my pocket and Trevor grabbed his.

Sean texted us in the group chat saying " are you guys going to the park or not?"

I replied with "No thanks tell niki I said hi and tell Hailee I said that she still has to give me back my sweat shirt :)"

I grabbed the remote from Trevor since he was obviously texting someone, probably Brandon, I looked through the movies on Netflix and put on the edge of seventeen.

Almost halfway through the movie I turned to see Trevor staring at me we started to lean in but that got interrupted by a text in my phone.

Sean- "Hurry to the park or I'm going to get you"

Me- "Fine assshole"

I showed Trevor the text, he sighed looking at me with a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

"I promise I will go to your house when I'm done okay" he smiled at me with a light gleam in his bright hazel eyes. I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. Then I left to go see my idiot if a cousin and our idiot friends and Nicki.

I was walking toward them. And Nicki got up and ran to me giving me a huge hug.

"Hey it's the last day of summer" Sean said as I walked over to one of the swings and sat down

"I can't believe its already over." Hailee muttered with a sad look on her face as she watched Nicki and Sean kiss.

"It went by so fast, right?" Sean looked over at me than at Brandon, Brandon walked over toward me.

"Lills you wanna make out. You have been teasing me almost half of the summer." Brandon smirked.

"Shut up." I laughed causing everyone else to start laughing.

"Oh I'm going to miss being a lazy ass all summer." Brandon said

"You're a lazy ass at school too, blowtard, what's the difference?" Sean remarked

"The difference is that tomorrow, I have to look at your ugly ads in home room, man." Brandon said which made me and Nicki giggle.

I started to zone out hearing them talk about a party, then a brunette girl started walking over here cause of them. They started bullying her cause of her mom fucked the science teacher.

She started to walk away when Brandon spoke "Oh I'd hit that ass" he turned to me and also said  "Don't be offended I'm still going to hit you soon"

"Eww man that's my cousin" Sean glared at Brandon.

Then they all started to shotgun beers leaving me and hailee to video it. I put it on my insta and Hailee gave Nicki her phone back.

"I tagged you guys" Nicki said.

Then my phone beeped and everyone looked at me, Nicki walked towards me.

"Oooo does Lills have a boy toy." Causing Laughter from our group. I

"No it's just a friend from camp"

"How was camp? Did you have a lot of sex? Do drugs" Brandon smirked. I think he knew something

"No I didn't" I tried not to smile but I ended up laughing.

"So you did?" Nicki laughed.

"I doubt it she can't get anyone to blow her" Sean laughed

"Mhm and you get all the men" I giggled as I said it.

My phone dinged again, I went to check it and it was Trevor.

Trevor- I miss you already :)

Me- same :))

I looked up from my phone to see everyone hugging and laughing, Brandon came over and him being Brandon, he tried to get me to make out with him, of course Sean came to my rescue and they started arguing, Niki pulled me away so me and her can take a photo.

Me and Niki have been best friends since we were three.

We were both laughing and giggling when we looked over to see Sean and Brandon play fighting, I ran over and pulled Brandon off of Sean, Brandon smirked at me while I started shaking my head, he started tickling the crap out of me and I accidentally hit him in the nose with my elbow.

"Oh my god, are you okay, I'm so so so sorry" I said worriedly

"Damn Lills you got a good Right hook with your Elbow" Brandon said laughing as he was holding his nose.

Everyone started laughing even Hailee was laughing.

Then after a while we all went home, while I walked over to Trevor's house alone.

Forever Alone- Brandon Darrow and Trevor Askill x reader Where stories live. Discover now