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(name) was lying in bed, scrolling through instagram posts while waiting for her boyfriend joel to get out of the shower. That afternoon the band in which joel sings, blind channel, performed in Helsinki, and unfortunately had not been able to be present, so he was looking at the photos and videos posted by some fan pages. At that moment the boy walked into the room, his long blond hair wet and with only a white towel tied around his waist. (name) looked up from the screen and stared at the boy standing in front of her. She looked up at him and made a grimace with her face. She put down the phone, got up and gave him a long kiss. He put his hands on her hips, her hands instead slipped through his long hair. The kiss became more and more intense, their tongues intertwined. Joel's hands started to rise, caressed her back, giving her goosebumps. she bit his lip making him moan. joel sat on the bed without interrupting the kiss that was becoming more and more passionate, keeping his hands on her cheeks; she sat astride him as his hands explored the boy's sculpted body beneath her. joel slowly dropped his hands from her cheeks, brushed her shoulders, stroked her arms causing goosebumps in her, continued up to her breasts. he teased her nipple making her moans of pleasure. they stood out on the bed and reversed positions. joel began kissing (name )'s body exploring it with his tongue and leaving wet traces on her warm skin. joel dropped the towel leaving his erect member uncovered; joel, taken with pleasure, took off her shorts and placed two fingers on the wet fabric of (name) underpants causing her moans of pleasure. joel also took off that last piece of cloth that separated them and slipped two fingers inside her, moving them in and out, first slowly and then harder and harder. (name) arched his back as loud moans of pleasure came out of his mouth. joel moved his long thin fingers even faster until the girl reached the climax of pleasure. joel with his tongue licked everything away leaving the girl one last sensation of pleasure. - "feel how good you taste" said joel putting his two fingers in the girl's mouth. Then they lay down and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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