Before and after

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R2k-"just so you guys know this isn't my original song!!"
The song then started and akihiko started drumming  the drums
Akihiko focused on the music still playing the drums,and as he did he closed his eyes,for some reason he played better with his eyes closed.Akihiko opened his eyes and to his surprise,a word full of color bursted from his eyes with only him and the singer in it no crowd at all, just the stage,speaker,R2k, and him in it, and for some reason he had a feeling thia feeling would last forever.

When the song ends R2k comes up to akihiko while he's still sitting on the drums.

R2K-"yo man that's amazing I'm I'm shocked honestly so uh.. would you like to join my band..? I I- mean it's ok if not!!Just asking."

Akihiko looks up at him and stands up.

Akihiko-"thanks for this opportunity see you at school even thought I have no idea who you are, bye."
R2k grabs him by the hand.
R2k-"Ack! Sorry!Anyways meet me in the astrology room after school tomorrow"

The next day at school

Akihiko -"he said this room right?"
Akihiko opens the door and takes a while a peek inside
Somebody's turns around to look at him
???-"drum guy!!"
Akihiko-"hi R2K."
Calix-"just call me Calix or well,that's my name anyway."
Akihiko-"alright so what now?"
Calix-"oh,uhm, I was going to ask you something.."
Akihiko-"well,what is it?"
Calix"would you like to join my band?"
Akihiko stood I'm shock as the thought for a moment"would I like to join this guys band?I just met him,but then again,he is in my classes,and he's kinda cool."
Akihiko-"give me your number and I'll ask my mom"
Calix-"weird way to ask me for my number" and then  he winked
Akihiko blushed a little by the flirty remark but he ignored it and looked for a piece of paper.After he found a piece of paper he wrote his phone number and then made Calix write his.
Calix-"alright,remember to tell me yes or no,and give context."
Akihiko"alright sure."he said chuckling

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