Turn 6 - The END meets Staving Dragon

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Kazuki POV

After the rescuing them I drive them to the hideout around 15 minutes as I find a place to land my duel runner and landed it on the ground and me, Ruri and Rin got off and I lead them to the building on where Yu show school was hidden and both of them waited by my side I mean I feel like someone is make a harem on me

Kazuki:We are here now and plus Rin can you hold my Duel Runner


As I find the lever for opening the door for the hideout and I already found it and pull the lever and plus the lever was a near form the altar as the door was opened from the bookcase that move from the side and from the faces of Ruri and Rin they were in a shock that they saw a hidden door

Ruri:Wow that's handy

Kazuki:Come on guys follow me

With that we began to walk down the hall of the hideout as me and Rin pushing my duel runner and we reached the green door and we opened it and I saw Yusho-san and Alexis were inside and both of them are wake. Yusho-san was sitting down on his chair while Alexis was standing Infront of him

Kazuki:Hey guys I am back

With that they notice me and start to walk Infront of me and Ruri's eyes widen because she saw Yusho-san here at this dimension I mean I can understand in her point of view form I don't know how many months or years they last meet on the XYZ dimension

Yusho:I see you were successful Kazuki

As he looks at me with a smile on his face and I nodded him and he turn to Ruri, who was staring him in disbelief

Yusho:Ruri it's been some time since the last we saw each other

Ruri:All this time you were here in the Fusion dimension Sensei? But I though you were carded by them

Yusho:I understand your confusion, so let me tell you what happened. On the day that the invasion took place, I came across a young man named Aster Phoenix, who challenged me. We dueled and I emerged as the victory. I wanted to show him the joy in dueling and even offered to give him a Smile World card, but he tore it in half

As Yusho was done explain about his Duel against Aster Phoenix and he show us a Smile World card that he tore. if I remember it right Aster uses the Destiny heroes almost a counterpart of the Elemental Heroes and with that, he continues his story on how he was in the Fusion Dimension

Yusho:His Duel Disk accidentally sent me here to the Fusion Dimension, where I met Alexis. We created a safe haven for students that escaped Duel Academy and took them under our wing, I couldn't leave because I didn't have the Dimension Travel program and these kids needed me here. i'm sorry that I left without saying goodbye.

As he was done explaining his story how did get in this dimension and I look at Ruri still has a look of disbelief and Yusho his natural expression and Ruri started to walked up to him and give him a smile to him

Ruri:Deep down inside, I always believed that you never abandoned us. You were here helping the chidren of the Fusion dimension, spreading the true meaning of Dueling and I'm happy to see that you're safe.

Yusho:Thank you Ruri, I've missed watching you and Saya Duel

With that he is finish his talk with Ruri and now he turns at me with his arms cross and Rin was standing next to me

Yusho:I believed your rescue operation was a success, well done Kazuki-kun

Alexis:You just keep on impressing me more Kazuki-san

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