Someone once told me a poem doesn't have to rhyme and I took that to heart and I really tried but a poem without a rhyme is like a song without a beat and i don't think it will ever feel right for me
Scratch what I said above because who made the rules anyways? Who said you has to be correct or spell you're words in a certain way. Why can't I be different and go down a different path than those before me and make my own poem without having to worry if it was gramatically incorrect?
While what I said above feels true I know that there will be someone out there who spell checks me and so maybe I will go back to the way it was laid out for me
Just kidding that's rude why do I have to do what you want me to? I'll try my best I'm sure I will but don't expect me to rewrite my words and make them unheard all because I forgot to put the tiniest dot in that exact spot you spoke of.
(Be your most original self and don't let those around you tell you other wise)
A broken World
Poetrypoems of what I wished the whole world could read and understand that once something is labeled as perfect it is more broken then it ever was. Some of these will be sad and others will be... well I don't wanna say happy cause they probably won't.