Chapter 1 √

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Chapter 1

 I walked through the halls and pulled my hoodie closer to my face.  I hoped no one would see the bruise that had formed there overnight. It wasn’t as if they pay that much attention to me anyway. Most of the student body thought of me as a loner, a freak or any number of other things they could think of and would just stay away from me. I wasn’t planning to get close to anyone and taking a chance of him or her finding out what's going on at home. I couldn't risk those around asking questions that I damn sure wasn’t willing to answer.

When I was younger, I had a few close friends and had been very social and outgoing with other people.  After the abuse started, I slowly distanced myself from those around me because I didn’t want anyone to know what was going on in my own personal hell at home. I figured it would just be best to separate myself from all those who knew me and not trouble anyone else with my problems. My friends back then didn’t understand why I pushed them away, but they soon got the message. I wanted them to stay away, leaving me friendless by the time I got into middle school.

I sighed when I finally got to my locker and was able to hide my face a little better. Reaching up to get one of my morning books when a shot of pain slightly ran down my side. I crossed my arm to my side, hoping the pain would go away quickly, and breathed deeply through my nose and out of my mouth.  The agony was almost unbearable.

When I had woken up this morning, I was still on the kitchen floor surrounded by the broken plate. My hand had dried up blood on it next to the knife my stepfather had given me. On top of the knife was a pink Post-it note. ‘Clean up this mess or else you know what will happen.’ 

I had quietly cleaned the kitchen up, desperate to not take the chance of waking up anyone. After I was done, I went to my room, moving as soundlessly as I could, and got ready for school. It was then that I saw the bruises that had formed on my face. I could only gasp in dismay. 

I was so focused on the pain and memories from last night that I didn’t notice the person walking up to me until I heard a male voice.

“Hey, Kami! You okay there?” a male’s voice asked from the other side of my locker. 

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just hurt my side this morning,” I lied, hoping they would get the hint and leave me alone like everyone else did. I knew people had seen me in pain before, but they never offered to help me. I closed my eyes as I heard him move around me, but he didn’t walk away.

I felt whoever it was place his hand on my shoulder and I had to keep it together in an effort not to scream out in pain. My shoulders were sore and bruised from where it had been slammed against the wall last night. 

This person gently squeezing it made me clench my teeth together from the discomfort it was causing. I had to shrug my shoulder to get whoever it was to let go, since he obviously wouldn’t know that he was causing me pain.

I could hear him clearing his throat and I knew whoever it was, he wouldn’t be leaving me alone any time soon.

“You don’t look fine. Maybe you should go to the nurse and have her take a look, make sure that everything’s all right,” he  said, his voice laced with concern.

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