I am not sure how to love. I convince myself that I love, but do I? Do I really? I am very desperate for any sort of affection, any sort of light, recognition, praise. But are you?Can I give you my affection, some light, recognition and so much praise? Reciprocate. I am fucking crazy, but so loving at the same time. I am over-attached, no you're just distant. I cannot cope with your loss, do you do it on purpose? Do you want to get to know me? Know how I got the tiny scar on my lip, know where the scars on my calves are from, know that I tell people I care about "Goodnight and sweet dreams" when they go to bed, why I say lovely so often, why I am so attached to frogs, know and understand my language, and know my favourite songs and artists? Because I want to know that about you. I want to appreciate the love your mother gave you, and how she raised you. I want to be seen as a good soul to your mother, your mother above all. I want you to know my secrets, my behaviours, my bliss, and my vices, and I want to know yours. I want you to take all the good in me, and show your mother. So please let me get that far. Give me some time. Okay? Give me some time to find a new planet, to live on venus, just us. Love me.