The stages of getting by: Question 1

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Question 1: what does the perfect life Actually mean?


I hope all the questions aren't going to be this hard because in order to have a perfect life you have to have a perfect world I can hope and pray for a stress and worry free life for me and my family I do every day so here is my answer sorry I dragged it out this long what it means to have a perfect life to me is living your life to the fullest surrounded by the ones you love and care for and the ones who love and care for you (family and friends ect...) not having to worry and stress over the small thing or even the big things for that matter being able to reach for the stars chasing your dreams actually being what you want to be in life weather it be a doctor a lawyer a world famous chef so on and so forth living your life with out being judged or ridiculed.

Layla :
Wow what a question huh? I guess my answer would be , the perfect life would be a safe place to raise my kids, a place where there isn't worries of school shootings,  A world without suicide, no violence. A safe environment for my little ones to be who they are without judgement. A life where I don't constantly live in fear of losing my babies, a place I don't feel depressed or anxious. Some where we can all live in peace and love each other unconditionally. I guess my perfect life is a bit unrealistic, but isn't it supposed to be? It's a hard question to answer to be completely honest. Not impossible to obtain just hard. I believe whole heartedly, that if we all put aside our differences and worked for a better future, my perfect life can be accomplished.

Nina :

Love loyalty everyone healthy not worrying about bills or food or clothes on children's back no failing especially now damn drama just basically everyone getting along and acting like they care about you without needing something. That's my perfect life.


What's a perfect life in my eyes? For me, it's peace no pain no anxiety no depression just peace being surrounded by my loved ones and friends everyone happy and healthy. but most importantly myself being happy no constant fears that everyone is gonna eventually leave me and get tired of dealing with feelings like I'm just a burden in everyone's life no isolating MySelf away from everyone no pushing my friends and family away no days where I'm so angry that I hate absolutely everyone in my path and take my anger out on people I shouldn't. No fear of me snapping at people I love then that be the last thing I get to say to them chasing my dreams without worrying about other people's opinions. A place where there's no poverty no homeless people children are safe and can live happily and free. My mom isn't sick and I don't have to worry about my dad being homeless out on the streets wondering when's the day he's gonna take his last breath and worrying about if anyone will find him or not I could say so much more but I would be writing a whole book


The perfect life. Is being finacle stable. Not worrying about diapers, clothes or anything like that. Not having to worry about bills, or food. Living my dreams to the fullest.


Me and my loved ones having no worries, living in a mansion , but the mansion be on the coast of canada right where the atlantic ocean starts, so i can see plenty of wildlife and sea-life.


A perfect life is where you have no worries if you walk out into the world. You can walk to school with no worries. Having to go to the store without wearing a mask and not getting sick. A perfect life is having a roof over your head and a s/o that you have where you take care of each other and not have to worry about them cheating or lying or fighting over stupid things. A perfect life is cooking dinner and knowing you and your family will eat tonight instead of having to worry about where your next meal will come from. A perfect life is having to not feel like a burden to your family a place where you don't have to try so hard to be the "perfect little angel" a perfect life is where you don't have to kill yourself day and day to please everyone. A perfect life is not having a worry or care in the world because everything is all in place.


a perfect life to me is not letting the term "perfect life" determine what type of life you have lived or are living, but more so give you the motivation to chase after what you want to make your own version on a perfect life.


A perfect life to me, simply isn't one. We aren't meant to be perfect nor to have the perfect life. Imagine if everything was perfect, we wouldn't be who we are, we wouldn't be strong willed, independent, passionate, or anything of the sort if our lives were exactly as we wanted them. I wouldn't be who I am today without the struggles of this imperfect life. What I do think would make life seem a bit more perfect is to have everyone in the world to be better human beings than what they are right now, to have rich people to have giving hearts like us poor folk. To have no racism in this world, to not see color or race. To love everyone equally.  To have every sickness to give people longer to live and not be as harsh on bodies. to have every kids starving to have something to eat, to have every sexual assault victim to never have to endure the pain of sexual abuse, or any person abuse in general, to have every homeless person a place to live, to have every drug addict a support system to be able to overcome the addiction rather than be put down and made fun of. To have every mental health illness easily treatable so people can manage their daily lives, to have every suicidal person free of their sadness and worries. All animals to be free of abuse as well To just have humans have kindness, and compassion toward each other. To have peace.


Sadly a perfect life doesn't exist. We are human and are, therefore imperfect. The closest we can get is to try to lead as Godly a life that we can, and to teach our children to do the same. It's very hard to live a Christian life. We have to go against so many things that people are trying to normalize now. It makes us outcasts but Jesus was also an outcast. He says they will persecute us because they persecuted him first. So a perfect life is trying to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. It's working hard, living in a safe place, making sure our children know they are loved and supported, making sure our children are well behaved but strong enough to stand up for themselves and their beliefs by being good examples, and trying to do the things that make us happy.


A perfect life to me , is no worry's about raising your kids no depression/anxiety being able to get everything your kids need everyone being happy and healthy and no drama no worry about if you do something wrong your kids will be taken , no worry if you wanna let your kids go out about them being raped or kidnapped or killed and no lying no betrayal .


A perfect life would be to leave a positive mark on everyone you've ever met and to make everyone happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2022 ⏰

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