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this was insane.

Izuku Midoriya counted the many times his foot hit the tiled pavement of U.A.'s halls. He mindlessly checked his (stolen) watch though he was sure it was lunch time for many students and they all roamed about, bouncing around, socializing, eating, normal teenage things.

Not Izuku.

He was a bit of an outcast. He wasn't oppressed. But instead he was just...discarded. It seemed like lately, that'd been happening to nobody else besides him.

Izuku headed up to the rooftop with a purpose. The one place at U.A. where there was peace and tranquility, things that were not so commonly found at this school. With his lunch in hand he proceeded to enter the rooftop.

Placing his bag down, and his food on the railing, a sigh escaped his mouth as he remembered the events of this morning. Calmly, he stayed there with is eyes closed quietly for a while.

"Boo." Said a voice.

Izuku's shot open as he shrieked with terror brought by the element of surprise. When he focused, he was met with a humored (Y/n). She looked as if she was going to burst with laughter as her eyes watered with tears of laughter and her shoulders shook violently.

Suddenly, she took a big gasp of air. "Woo, that was too good!" She wiped tears from her eyes with a big goofy smile on her face.

Izuku had a big fat blush across his face, eyes almost beginning to water purely out of embarrassment. "W-Why are," he gulped down nothing, "Why are you h-here?" He questioned, thinking he sounded dumb.

"Why am I here?" (Y/n) echoed. She smiled and took a step closer, prompting Izuku to take a step back. Swiftly her hand extended. In her palm, was a prepackaged mega-gourmet deluxe sandwich from the cafeteria. The most expensive one.

"Did...you steal this?" Izuku was unsure if he wanted to hear the answer to this question.

(Y/n)'s face dropped, "Does it matter if I did?" She deadpanned. Sliding over near him, she proceeded to gesture towards the expensive sandwich. "Take it." She demanded, making him shudder nervously and ultimately oblige.

"I-If you're worried I'll t-ell," Izuku's words accidentally got caught in his throat, another embarrassed blush made its way across his ears, "I wont tell anyone that you're...a thief." He decided to choose his words carefully, hopefully then she'd leave him alone for good like he wants.

To his surprise, (Y/n)'s big pretty smile widened and she let out an uncontrolled laugh.

"Worried? Are you crazy? No one would believe a word you say, anyway!" She smiled at him, yet her eyes held an emotion he never could explain.

Izuku felt hurt by her words, though she had said nothing but the truth. Nobody would believe a word that came out of his mouth especially not about theft. Something he was oh-so-guilty of.

"Hey, this is pretty neat. The time on it is wrong though." Izuku's mouth was agape at her words.

There, on her wrist, was his black watch that he'd stolen. She inspected it closely like a caveman.

With eyes as wide as saucers, "When did you-" he began only to be cut off by her piercing laughter again, this time though it felt like she was mocking him.

"When did I steal this from you?" (Y/n) gave him a side glance, as sharp as a cat. She quickly unstrapped the cheap, black watch from her wrists and placed it Izuku's near trembling one.

"You're cute, Izuku." She placed a single delicate finger against the side of his jaw. A wild hot blush returned for the millionth time on his face as he could feel the sweat begin to pool in his palms.

"So, I'll tell you something." Suddenly she retracted from her close proximity and leaned against the railing, farther away from Izuku. "Your way of stealing is dangerous, and old fashioned. If you keep up like that, you'll get caught, don't you think?"

What? For the third time in a day, (Y/n) both amazed yet terrified and mind-boggled Izuku Midoriya. Not once did he mention anything about stealing from her. Or, him stealing in general.

This girl...she's insane...but she's brilliant. Is she better than me?

As if reading Izuku's mind, (Y/n), with a smirk simply said, "I'm not saying I'm better than you, if that's what you're thinking. We're equally terrible, we steal don't we?"

Before he could say anything to her at all she piped up, "Do you know what I just stole?" A dangerous smile made it's way to (Y/n)'s face as Izuku hesitantly shook his head.

Heading back for her discarded bag, she opened a compartment to reveal an answer sheet.

Not just any answer sheet, the completely authentic, newly printed, teacher's copy of the answer sheet to the midterm exams.

Izuku couldn't say anything. He was shocked. He was sure he was confident in his skills in theft but, never had he tried something so blatant. So risky.

"You're crazy..." The almost inaudible mumble escaped Izuku accidentally.

"Crazy?" (Y/n) laughed once more her eyes twinkling in the sunlight like pieces of jewelry, "I just think you're playing it safe. And, you have been for a while haven't you?"

Izuku was silent only staring and nodding.

"Then, why don't we have a competition?" Izuku then proceeded to choke on nothing. He coughed with a a nervous laugh. But, (Y/n) was completely serious.

Her smile snaked up her cheeks and suddenly Izuku had to do it.

"Sure, what could wrong?", he said foolishly.

͝    ͝    ͝    ͝    ͝    ͝    


it was a little too insane

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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