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The door handle rattles intensely I freeze as a million thoughts run through my mind -

it can't be Sana, she has a key....and she's gone for the night and I'm pretty sure Jungkook or Taehyung would knock.

The handle continues to twitch.

I have to do something shit, I run forward and look through the peephole.

The distorted head of a woman is barley in view, I unlock the door and fling it open hoping the element of surprise will be on my side.

Wait a minute.....


She's already taking a few steps back as if to run off, but my words stop her

"what....what are you doing here?"

She looks sheepish "I was, uh, actually looking for Sana. I thought she was here, but I didn't mean to disturb or even worse, scare you. But never mind I'm sorry bothering you"

I keep trying to interject, but Minas words practically race from her mouth "I have to go. Big presentation tomorrow. Night!"

I'm dumbstruck as I watch her walk away.

In no time at all, she's gone, as if she was never here at all.

That was...suspicious.

Why would she look for Sana, they don't even like each other.

I can't shake off the feeling of unease, so I shut the door and make sure to lock it.

What a weird day.

Two days later

Before I realise it Friday rolls around.

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