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Taking a sip of her afternoon tea, Aly breathed in the beautiful smell of the flowers in her garden, Thinking about her life she sat down on a chair on the outdoor deck .

Never in her entire life of 32 years did she think that things would become this bad. Sipping the hot tea she waited for her soon to become ex husband's call. 

After some time her phone rang..

She hesitated before picking it up. Beacause she knew what was coming... 

She gathered the little courage that was left in her and picked his call

//alyssa p.o.v.//

"hello aly"


"I... I wanted to speak to you about something"

"oh.. go on"

"I.. want .. i want a divorce!!"

aly remained silent.

"aly" "alyssa?? are you there?!!" "aly??"

"yah I am listening"

"umm.. so it will be easier for both of us if you cooperate and handle this maturely. We have kids. And it would be nice if we kept it civil atleast for their wellbeing. I know how you tend to say anything when you become hyper. Just don't do that infront of them. "

By this time I had it with him. First of all he has the audacity to end our 10 years of marriage on a phonecall.  And now he is telling me to cooperate telling what's good and what's bad for my kids. 

"You know what Carter their father cheating on their mother is also not good for their wellbeing, Did you think of this before lecturing me. and I don't need lessons on parenting from YOU !" 

"Aly don't shout!"

"Then what should I do?! tell me what should I fucking do? You are just divorcing me on a phone call. All this years together and I don't even deserve a proper conversation?? ha tell me. What did I do to deserve this shit. "

"Aly... just, just calm down for a second. do you have your pump with you. just calm down and breathe for a minute."

"I don't need YOUR permission to do that. and no i am not gonna calm down. You know what fuck you. why did you call to fix a date for finalizing our divorce right? ok I am free tomorrow . Let's just get it over with. The sooner I am free from you the better."


"now what? I am giving you what you want."

"ok.  We'll meet in my office tomorrow morning at 10 , is it ok with you?"

"Yes, it is "


(as he was about to speak something further alyssa cut the call)

she could not hold it in any longer and ran to her bedroom and cried her heart out.She could not believe that this is how her marriage was ending. The reality was sinking in her brain and she started panicking . she had panic attack and cried for hours in her room. But the sound of the door bell ringing brought her out of her daze and pushed back the tears and washed her face quickly and went to open the door , her kids had come home from playing at their friends house.

Looking at their faces she felt a bit strong. 

His naive wifeWhere stories live. Discover now