chapter 4 part 3

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It was really silent and painfully awkward for a few moments before Basil decided he couldn't take it anymore. "I am really sorry, Sunny." He finally blurted out to his best friend, his chest feeling so tight all of a sudden. "Do you forgive me?" Basil felt so bad for seeming so straight forward and pushy but there was no point in dancing around this any longer, in his opinion.

Sunny looked into the others anxious eyes and he knew everything was forgiven. It was going to be so hard to let go and move on, but he knew he wasn't really mad at him. Basil only ever tried to protect Sunny. He did what he could to keep him safe and he had to forgive him.

The room was silent for long enough that Basil's nerves had his hands shaking. Basil was about to apologize again when Sunny loudly let out the breath he had been holding.

"Of course I forgive you." He breathed out, looking up at him. Basils eyes lit up at the sound and he immediately leaned over and hugged Sunny tightly, head resting on the younger boys shoulder. "I'm so sorry for EVERYTHING. Seriously, everything. You have no idea how much I hate myself for everything that happened." He rambled out, biting his lip hard while hiding his face against the crook of Sunnys neck. Sunny just held him back, hands gripping onto the back of Basil's shirt. "Shut up, Basil" Sunny mumbled into Basil's shoulder. "Just...shut up. Everything is okay" He couldn't take anymore apologies.

Despite his best efforts, tears began spilling from Basil's eyes at the words. "It's not okay though," Basil huffed, pulling away from the embrace to look at Sunny's face. "Look at you, you're all..." He was searching in his mind for the right words. "Bandaged up." Basil frowned at him. "I'm so sorry that happened," He continued, bringing a hand up to gently touch Sunny's flushed cheek. "Is your eye okay?" He asked, chewing on his tongue in an attempt to shut himself up.

Sunny looked deep into Basils eyes, soaking in how full of emotion they were. Basils eyes have always told full length stories, you could learn so much about Basils person by taking a look into them. Sunny had never seen more expressive eyes before. It was like he always knew exactly what Basil was thinking by simply looking into them.

Sunny didn't know what exactly to say. His eye wasn't okay, but it was OKAY that it wasn't. He wasn't mad, and he didn't want Basil to beat himself up more. Sunny stayed silent with a neutral expression on his face as he wracked his brain around what the hell he was supposed to even say.

After a minute of no reply from Sunny, Basil felt like he should drop it and move on to something else. But his gut told him that he HAD to know. He was the one that did it and he had to know how bad it was so he could try to start making up for it.

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