walk out the bathroom after having a shower. I yawn a little and walk to the lounge and gasp seeing some Palace guards sat on the couch and jimin sat opposite them.
I tilt my head "what is going on here?" the guards stand up and bow to me "your majesty!" I cross my arms "what? If the king wants me to come back he can shove it up his ass!"
They stand up and look at me shocked. One guard then sighs "actually...they are both in hospital" I tilt my head "what?... What happened?"
I walk to the couch and jimin stands up and wraps her arms around me from behind. The guard looks at me sadly "a man broke into the Palace to steal gold for his family....5 minutes later both the King and Queen were found coughing up blood in the bathroom"
I nod "well inform me when they're dead-" jimin cuts me off "baby...they are your parents" I nod again "and they threw me out, they said I was no longer their daughter. Why should I care if they're in hospital"
She makes me turn to her "because they are the people who gave you life, yes they did wrong but they are still your parents and maybe they want to apologise" I sigh "but i-" she shakes her head "you are going to see them"
I huff "fine.. Let me go and change and I'll go see them.. But you're coming too" she nods "of course" I smile and then look at the guards "I'll change and then we will go to visit them" they nod
I walk to the bedroom and then change into
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I then walk out and see jimin in some ripped jeans, white shirt and a leather jacket. I then grab her hand and huff when a guard puts a tiara on my head "ugh.. This shit again"
We walk out to the limo which was outside. I see loads of civilians staring at us. Jimin sighs and we both then climb into the limo and the guards climb in aswell and close the door.
The driver then starts to drive. I lean against jimin and sigh "sooo what actually happened?" the guard sighs "well what we can gather from the cameras, the man broke in and got caught by the king who demanded payment for a broken necklace. The man gave the king a piece of bread and then jumped out the window"
I laugh a little "cool.. So they're poisoned?" the guard nods "that's what the doctors think" I shrug and jimin then nudges my arm "princess" I sigh "I mean... Oh nooo this is a terrible day! Oh lord!" I cross my arms and lean against jimin who wraps her arm around me
We arrive at the Royal hospital and we all then climb out. I see loads of paparazzi taking photos and a bunch of whispers
"that's the princess?" "she's changed.." "whoa." "she doesn't look like a princess" "is that her girlfriend?" "is that her friend?" "whys she dressed like that" "maybe she knows what happened" "why doesn't she look sad?" "she looks strange.."
I roll my eyes and grab Jimins hand and we walk into the hospital and get escorted to my parents hospital room. Jimin smiles "ill stand out here for a moment" I huff and nod "okay"
I walk into the room and my parents look at me. My eomma smiles "daugh- what are you wearing?" I cross my arms "clothes?" my appa coughs "you look like a disgusting slut" I nod "well I'm a slut for my girlfriend what can I say" I shrug and they both look at me with disappointment in their eyes
I sigh "look, if the reason you told the guards to come and get me is so you can yell at me? This will be the last minute I'm in here for. I don't have to deal with your shit anymore. I'm not your daughter remember?"
My appa nods "get out then. Peasant" I nod "gladly" my eomma gasps "wait! I needyou to know something important!" I look at her "what?" jimin walks into the room and wraps an arm around me.
I smile and lean into her touch. My eomma then sighs "she was not always a girl!!!" jimin tilts her head "me?" my eomma nods "yes!! You're disgusting and a freak!" jimin shakes her head "no?...because I have always been a girl, that's my brother you're thinking about and you got it the wrong way around"
I laugh "fucking dumb whore" my eomma looks at me shocked. I roll my eyes "and why would I care if it was jimin anyway?... ANYWAYS! It was terrible to see you again. The next time I'll see you, it'll be your funeral hopefully"
I wink at them "bye bye" they both cough violently trying to get up to stop me. I laugh a little and walk out the room pulling jimin with me.
I roll my eyes "fucking stupid bitches" jimin sighs "baby-" I shake my head "no, they aren't my parents. I am the next queen of this country and that is all I needed them for! I will rule this country with my girlfriend weather they fucking like it or not! It's my life and.. They can't control me anymore!"
She smiles "and I am with you every decision you make" I smile "then that is all I need. I don't need them, all I need is you" she leans down to me "and all I need is you too" she then kisses me deeply and I kiss her back wrapping my arms around her neck.
She slowly pulls away and I take my tiara off and place it on her head "it suits you" we both laugh a little and I then peck her cheek "we will be the best rulers of this country" she nods "we will"
I don't need my parents.. I will rule with jimin and life will be happy! I don't care what they say or anything they have said in the past!
I'm focusing on me and jimin now, nothing else matters! We will be the best queen's this throne has ever had!!