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Karlie shut the door behind her and we sat down on Lena's bed facing each other. Because I was already pretty dunk I could see her eyes only in a blurred way but they still seemed so green to me even the light in the bedroom wasn't the brightest.

"So what do you wanna tell me?" I didn't even notice I was that drunk until Karlie spoke and I couldn't recognize if she was still drunk too.

"Ehm yeah, ehm" I stumbled words out of my mouths but not because I didn't know what to say to her but because she looked right into my eyes and that made my knees week. "I just wanna ehm yeah I just wanna ask you something" My heart pounded way faster than usual and I was now sure it was because of her.

"You can ask me everything. What's going on Tay? You don't look so well" She put her hand on my knee and I know she wanted to calm me down but I just got more excited and nervous. I finally found my words and it came out like a waterfall. "Karlie you're my best friend and you mean everything to me, you're my favorite person in the world and my soulmate and I don't know how I survived so long without having you in my life. You're the best hearted person I know and you always make me laugh and I'm so happy when you're around me and I'm not myself when you're not and I just wanna ask you.. or I wanna say ehm.. I don't know how to say it.. Karlie I'm-" In the second I wanted to tell Karlie how much I'm in love with her someone slammed the door open and Karlie and I immediately looked at the door and forgot the conversation we just had.

"Guys! The cops are here!! You have to get out of whatever you're doing right now!" It was Lena who looked at us in a pretty confused way and pointed out on Karlie having her hand on my knee. Karlie took her hand off and jumped up. She took my hand and led me out of the bedroom towards the front door and into the elevator. We passed a few police officers while getting out but we saw none of our friends anymore. They obviously left right away when the cops appeared but Karlie and I didn't notice anything what happened outside the bedroom. We didn't even noticed the music was off. We both kept quite in the elevator and when we reached the hall I turned my face to Karlie. "You can sleep at my apartment if you want to or I can tell my driver to drop you at yours." I put all my hope in the first option but Karlie looked at me and said in a straight voice. "I think it's better when we both sleep at our own apartments. I'm gonna take a cab and I'll call you alright?" I couldn't even answer because she already walked away out of the front door leaving me standing confused in the hall. I got out of the door too but she was already gone. Luckily there were no paparazzi outside and I could get into my car without getting photographed while being drunk. When my driver started the car all I could think about was Karlie's last sentence to me 'I think it's better when we both sleep at our own apartments' Why did she say that? Why did she behaved like that when it was obvious that I wanted to confess my love for her. "OH MY GOD" I let out of my mouth and it was like something in my mind shatters. 'She doesn't want me' 'She doesn't feel the same for me' 'Maybe she was disgusted for me because I fell in love with her and she's completely straight' I couldn't shut my mind down and when I arrived at my apartment and got finally into my bed my thoughts didn't stop. Karlie was obviously shocked and I probably lost her. A tear escaped my eye and I buried my face into my pillow and cried myself to sleep. 'I have lost my best friend.' Was the last thing on my mind before I fell asleep.

Thanks for reading and for the over 400 views my story already has!!:)

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