The Date

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I was definitely dragging my feet when I walked into work that night. I was not ready for whatever Augusto had cooked up for me. Actually I probably never would be. I sighed before sitting down in my chair and checking the cams annnd... what the hell happened to the dining room? All the tables had been moved and some small fancy dancy table had been put in the middle and.. where the fuck had the bots found a rose? I was stumped. They had to have gotten help but who the hell would help them do this? Which of course was when Augusto decided to show his face and walked in and sat at the table. I watched as he smiled at the camera's and I got up. This was going to suck all kinds of ass.

I walked in tentatively and I paused before sitting down. "So. Augusto. What did you have planned?" Augusto beamed at me immediately "Well. First things first we're having food and then we can chat and I can show you the real me at the very end. How does that sound?" I just nodded since I had a feeling that I had no choice in this which caused the mega ferret to frown "If you don't like it. All you have to do is say the word you know." I glowered at him and then Chica showed up with a pizza and the happiest look I have ever seen on her. "PIZZA IS READY! Oh this is so much fun! I've never had actual people eat my cooking before! Thanks so much Phantom!" I blinked at her and then I smiled. She sounded so young. How did I never notice? I graciously accepted the pizza and ate it and honestly it wasn't that bad.

"Well what do you think?" Asked an excited Chica and I smiled and gave her an thumbs up and she left after that and I watched as she literally skipped away and then when I turned Augusto was giving me a weird smile and I blushed. "You know. You don't have to be so defensive. Phantom." He said and I sighed. We sat like that for awhile him just staring at me and me staring at the table when I realized something and I couldn't help it I chuckled "Is everyone watching us?" I said as I spied all the bots including Gold all huddled in the corner trying to hide and watch us. Augusto looked over and laughed "Ah! I knew they would! Apparently they find our love exciting and odd." I huffed "Your love. I'm just an innocent victim over here." Augusto beamed and then grabbed my hand "Oh really?" I growled and took my hand back and he giggled. Actually giggled. It was not cute. I stared at him. I tried to glare I really did but.. now that I had it in my mind I guessed Augusto wasn't that bad. I mean he was trying he was just.. doing it in a very impulsive robot way. "So. Does the night guard get desert?" I found myself asking stupidly and Augusto lit up. "Chica! Cupcakes!" He shouted and I watched as the chicken rushed into the kitchen. I liked chica I decided. Maybe I could adopt the bots if this place ever shut down again. I blinked at that thought and I shook my head and Augusto smiled "Whatcha thinking about my dear night guard?" I was shocked by myself as I blurted "Think if this place ever shut down I could adopt the rest of the bots? I mean your clearly older so I'd just be taking you in as boyfriend material I guess but I'd hate for you guys to ever be homeless again." Augusto didn't answer but a weird look definitely crossed his face. "Shut down again? You planning something?" I shook my head "No. Just. Thinking." He stared for another moment and then he squealed "You think I'm boyfriend material!?" I banged my head on the table because god! I had not said that outloud! Had I? Luckily for me and my dignity Chica showed up with the cupcakes after that and I was able to simply stuff my face instead of answering but still. What the fuck was I thinking? He still might be Danny and I couldn't. I was him. Right? I frowned as I finished the last cake and then Augusto sighed "I think. I'm having way more fun than you are." I snorted "Well you did force me here against my will Augusto." Augusto looked away and his ears went down a bit and I groaned. "Augusto. Look. It's fine this one time since I would of never dated you otherwise and despite the contrary I did oddly have a kinda good time. I'm just. Not good at love." Augusto smiled at that and I couldn't meet his eyes. "It's okay to not be good at love. That's why you have me. Now how about I walk you out?" I nodded and he got up and held my hand and for once I didn't fight it as he walked me to the office and to my door. We stared at eachother for a moment and then he smiled and took off his mask. I froze because Holy fuck I was right. "Danny?"

He put his mask back on after that and nodded "People use to call me that. Wait! Did we know eachother?" I nodded morosely and then it suddenly hit me. "You don't remember me do you?" He tilted his head "Your the night guard?" I shook my head and suddenly this whole thing seemed beyond stupid. "I have fallen for myself. What the fuck." Augusto suddenly burst into laughter "You think we're the same person!?" I nodded and told him my stories except only now did it occur to me that I couldn't remember some of it or that when I did it was like I was watching through someone else's eyes. What the hell. Augusto wasn't laughing anymore though. Instead he seemed curious "I don't remember anything like that. Well except for being shoved into lockers. I mean sure my life was kind of odd but yours is definitely on the supernatural. How wacky." I facepalmed "This is a mess. Can you even get out of that suit?" Augusto nodded but then hugged himself "I'm not leaving the suit. It's a part of my family." I sighed and then he ruffled my hair. "I'm sorry dear phantom. But I do not believe we are the same." I nodded because maybe he was right and maybe Freddy was too. Maybe I was the stupid night guard. I released one last sigh before leaving and Augusto waved. I really needed to talk to Jazz again and maybe Tucker too. I mean I literally just went on a date with a robot only to discover he was me but now he's not me and I'm really fucking confused. I wish I could talk to Maddie and Jack. I shook my head again before something occured to me. What if I talked to Vlad instead? I blinked but then the thought of Dan entered my mind like it always does and I shook it away. I needed to talk to another Halfa and stat screw my fears! I floated up and I shook myself off before heading to the mansion. This could only go so well.

I got there in record time and I took a deep breath before walking in. "Vlad! You here? I need to talk to you! It's important!" Vlad appeared quickly and I immediately asked my question "Do you think me and Danny could be separate people!?" He blinked and stopped. "Seperate people? Daniel that is ridiculous." I crossed my arms "Vlad. It's Phantom. Also what if it isn't ridiculous? Because I just met Danny and apparently he only remembers the human half of our life and I only remember the ghost half. What's going on!" I was angry at this point and Vlad looked more confused than I did and then he turned away. "I have to go do some research. I'll. Tell you what I find." I nodded and then he paused. "Wait. You said you found human daniel? How did you do that? Didn't he get shot through the skull?" I winced "He. He's a spirit now." Vlad suddenly whipped around and snarled "A spirit! Don't trust him then. Spirits are evil and manipulative!" I blinked "Manipulative? You think he's not Danny?" Vlad was still for a moment and then growled "I would have to see him for myself. But for now. Don't fall for his tricks. Ghosts and spirits have been sworn enemies for millennia." I rolled my eyes finally because Oh my God. Ghost racism. Never did I think I would ever see the day. I snorted "Well. I'll leave you to your research. But I gotta go." Vlad nodded and waved me off so I left. I could only hope it was good results since.. I kinda did like Augusto too. Although I would never admit it.

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