Twilight reference????

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My life is perfectlay normal for a perfectly normal girl... but how long woll the piece last???...

I gaze into thw bafroom mirror at schol... my name is Anastagia, and I have Ben. Voted prettiest girl at south westen Chester pester fester high school for 2 years in a row now.. but I am still secretty sad.

I style my blonde hair as I think of how pathetic my life is with my stupid boyfriend chad

I will probably end up in a white picket fence neighborhood with a golden retriever and 2.5 kids 😔🥀 I sigh emo-ly and yank up my lulus so my booty can show better... sigh

I sit in the cafeuhteria and don't eat when I see someone at the back of the caefeua, even behind the stoners haze of pot fumes I can make out his chiselerd jawline and yummy veiny hands
I gasp 😮

He luuks at me emo-ly... and I know I want him.
I blush intensely and look away😍💕

Some periods pass and I fail my Spanish class, which is like tottalt whayever I'll just pay someone to take it for me🥰

Im standing by my locker applying lip gloss, when I smell intense dog shit stank thinly veiled by axe body spray fumes. Ugh. It's chad.

"Hhheyyy baberrs!!! Your boobies are looking like tottalty on point today." Chad remarks

While my boobies do in fact, look 'on point', I am not pleased with his comment. I scof and look away emo-ly

Then, out of nowherem, the hot emo from the cafeteria gracefully walks up to chad and violently roundhouse kicks him in the balls. I immediately fall in love🥺🥺😘😘

He introduces himself while chad convulses on the floor, "hey, I'm Judd like the hot brother from the show big mouth😏"

I almost faint, he is so hot. God damn!!!! Aside from being mega tall and cool, he smells awesome unlike chad. 🥰🥰😋

"Heyy jud Nice to meet you lol like totally crazy right omgggg!!!" I babble stupidly, and offer him a stick of spearmint gum

By this time, passing period had ended and I'm alone in the hallway with him
(and technically chad, still having what I think is a seizure on the floor, but he's not important anymore🥰)

Judd looks down at me, and smirks hotlay😍😍 but then... he drops the smile and looks at me seriously

Wtf is he on?! We were literally about to kiss and now he looks so serious...maybe it's the second hand smoke from the pot heads..

"Ana... I have to tell you something b4 we fuck..."he mumbles

"Like, omg what???!" I practically yell

"I'm.... A.... Vampire uwu 😔😔🥺" judd says yummily, then lightly pulls up his top lip to reveal a sharp enticing fang 😩😩😩😩

"Judd.... That's like.... SO HOT??!!!!! BITE MY NECK RN😩😩🥺!!!!" I say loudly!!!

He bites my neck 🤤🤤 and we make out against the lockers

we are boufriend and girlfriend like forevs 🥰🥰😘(please help I can't leave the vampire bite binds my soul to his😭😢😢)

Hope u liked this chaoter'nbbbb!!!!! Anyways it's Rachel peace out and whatevs

I state firmly for legal😍 reasons of my peers, that I, Rachel, am not in any way associated with any of the first character persons of my stories, nor are any of my characters associated with real people at my school

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