Two ( Trying Out phase 1 Out Of 3)

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A/N: I will stop saying the word platonic as much, not because this story isn't platonic, it is because I'm lazy, and this story is 100% platonic unless you think kissing on the forehead and cheek, cuddling, holding hands, comforting each other, carrying each other isn't platonic because I'm very much sure it is. Also I will be often adding the word platonic but just not as much. Kk, ok got it.

But like is blushing platonic or not? Because I feel like it is, but also I feel like people use that for romantic stories.

So using my guts in hope to not get reported I will use blushing but only platonic blushing. Ok enough A/N for this chapter.

3 months after their marriage and they live in Tommy's other other home....

TW for swearing

I woke up slowly blinking and doing my daily staring at the wall for 5 minutes before standing up routine.

Purpled, my husband, had his arm still wrapped around my waist still.

I shook off his arm but resulted to him waking up.

"Tommy? Where *yawn* you going my love" he said yawning slightly do to him just waking up.

"I'm going to make food, and go back to sleep it's still a bit early" as I said that he went back to sleep.

I patted his head and went to the kitchen. I got some eggs and started making scrambled eggs, one of the many things I could cook.

As I finished up the eggs I plated them onto some toast and heard some steps going towards me.

"Hey love, morning" I said and felt arms wrapped around my waist.

"Good morning" Purpled said as he removed his arms from my waist and sat down.

I also sat down and we ate our food.

"are you going to work soon? or did your shift change?" I ask him. He looked up and raised his eyebrow.

"Why? Will my Tommy miss his husband? Awww I'll miss you too Tommy, I didn't know you were that clingy" he said patting my head.

"What- no, I mean I will miss you but like- oh god just answer the damn question" I say blushing.

"Yeah, yeah, geez, Quakity changed my shift to 30 minutes earlier than usual so I have to get going soon, but since I have to be there 30 minutes earlier then I get to go home earlier" he explains and I hum a yes in reply.

Once we finish up eating Purpled said goodbye to me and kissed me on my forehead.

I also said goodbye and hugged him.

I smile and clean up the dishes we used.

I stretch my back and went back to our room.

And got back to important stuff like sleeping


I walk to work suddenly feeling like making some people jealous. It had been three months since me and Tommy platonically married each other.

But throughout that 3 months I haven't done one of my main things to do.

Which was 1. fuel the confusion and curiosity in them about my platonic marriage.

I giggle in excitement, I had never really done things like this before but I will do anything for Tommy.

Once I got to work, I saw Quackity waving at me so I waived back.

"Hey Purpled, come on, also your 10 minutes earlier than expected" he said opening the doors.

"Yeah, I know, just wanted to be early you know, and also I woke up earlier" I replied back pretending to fix my gloves.

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