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                                                        "Never be a poisoner of your past,

                                                      It was just a lesson not a life sentence"

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(Outfit above)

         Faith Mikaelson eyes drew heavy, from being in the back of her headmasters van for nearly two hours without sleep. The only thought crossing her mind was that the Salvatore School would get a new student, A werewolf. Faith wasn't to keen on coming to this trip considering it being a full moon. She wanted to shift, the wind that would pass through her fur felt ecstatic, her paws on the ground as she ran, but her favorite part was the freedom.

    Snapping out of her thoughts she heard her sisters voice, "Faith are you listening, were here come on." Quickly getting out of the old van her legs wobbled feeling like jelly, shaking the feeling off she ran right to catch up to her sister. What both girls didn't expect was to see Landon Kirby siting on the steps of the church,

"Landon? What are you doing here" The voice belonged to her sister, but she didn't pay any mind here the screams of a transitioning wolf. Her past up the stairs were quicker than a normal humans, she vamp sped. Muttering a quiet spell 'patere' The doors flew open shocking a certain curly-head boy, running in the building Alaric right on her heels seeing a male on his knees his the same glowing eyes that matched hers.

"What's his name again, wasn't paying attention to that whole conversation in the car ?" An annoyed groan came from Alaric, "his name is Rafael, Now can we lay off the exorcist." Multiple curses and prayers fell from the lips of the Hispanic priest. Rolling her eyes her hand drew a fist, but someone beat her to it, 'Ad Somnum'. Seeing that both the parents and priest fell into their unconscious state, Dr. Saltzman quickly put the chains over the broad boy.

"Well that was one way, for us to spend our three in the morning adventure am I right ?" Both people laughed until they all slid down the wall watching a black wolf growl and snap at them.

Finally stepping out of the musty van, Faith was able to breath in fresh air. That was until the other twins showed up, They did there usual twins/ welcome speech they do. Being bored of the conversation already Faith walked away greeting some people that would say hi or wave, or sneering at the ones giving dirty looks. 

Opening the door to her room Faith was met with a distraught look on her close friends face, "What is it Jed" He looked at her with a small smile just at the sight of her, but that was quickly overlooked by his nerves. 

"The wolf," He paused, "He is like an arrogant, macho man type-" He was cut off by the red-head "You mean someone like you" We shared a smile at my joke. Taking her black ankle boots off she collapsed on her soft duvet, Jed right behind her. Both instantly fell into a deep slumber.

About an hour into their nap Faith awoke, looking at her clock she put her shoes back on letting Jed sleep. Walking towards the field she smiled feeling the sun on her skin, Looking over the greenery she saw Josie and Mg talking so being her nosy self she listened in,

"You think he'll go for her" The male voice of Mg said his gaze on a blond Saltzman. "Probably, they usually do" She had pity for her friend, so she walked over right when she heard Mg small sigh. A small pain was felt in her chest, 'Weird ?" She thought, Sitting by Josie she spoke scaring the two supernaturals,

"Forget about Lizzie for a moment Jo! And before you go all 'I'm still hurt by the she-devil' crap don't, she didn't deserve you." Josie jumped at the sound of the angelic voice of Faith, Mg was startled but nonetheless smiled from her presence, Faith had that effect on people.

"Thanks faith" Josie smiled at he friends response, While Mg continued to smile at the Mikaelson "Mg you have drool on you lip, you done staring at lizzie" Her voice came out slightly annoyed which surprised all of them,

"I wasn't staring at her" He made a long pause  'I was string at you and your perfect emerald eyes'  "I'm just tired". Watching the game for a little longer Jo pointed out her sister storming away, knowing what's gonna happen she excused herself. Faith and Mg held a conversation until the game was over both going back to there rooms with a smile on their face.

Hours later, Faith was with her sister debating an outfit choice. Hearing so many 'To revealing' 'Eh' 'nope lets not' from her sister was getting on her nerves. So being Faith she stuck the middle finger to her sister and put on an outfit, joining the party.

 So being Faith she stuck the middle finger to her sister and put on an outfit, joining the party

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(This or you can imagine something else, I see the dress in black tho)

Later on Faith had a fun night with Jo and the new wolf, Feeling tired and slightly hungry after Alaric crashed the party they went to get some food from the kitchen. Laughing about a joke the brunette Siphoner said, seeing the sight instantly made it dye down.

"Mg what hell!" The green eyes of Faith widened at the sight of one of her closes friend with his fangs bared ready to bite into, Lord Voldemort herself. Josie stood there shocked at the sight, rushing with small tears dwelling in her eyes, as Penelope smirked. Glaring at the two she made her way to her friend, trying to push the hurt feeling aching in her chest.

After comforting Josie and letting Lizzie take over, Faith walked to her room with a frown. Seeing her sister asleep with smile on her face did brighten Faith a bit 'At least she's smiling' was her only thought before changing into PJ's, with the opposite face as her sisters. Going to sleep with a frown.

My corner:

Ok so that was chap 1, idk how we feeling. But we saw glimpses of mj and faith and her friendship with jo <3 (word count :1075)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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