Chapter 13

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We all start walking since the truck is destroyed and Hobbs makes a call to the air marshal, Dinkley. We need to get to Samoa, where Hobbs' brother can fix the machine and we can stay off the grid long enough to give us a head start against Brixton. We explain to Hattie how we met the guy on the plane and that he should be able to get us to Samoa quickly and quiet enough to give us that head start. But I can't stop thinking about what Brixton said about framing Deck, making it look like he killed his own team. I feel so guilty about believing the lies and being so harsh with Deck not just since I've seen him again but over the years too. I just forgot about him and continued with my life while he was basically on the run from Eteon and was keeping us safe. He was keeping me safe. I need to talk to him about this. I need to apologise. I look at him walking beside me and call him, "Deck". He looks at me and I stop walking and he stops with me while Hobbs and Hattie keep walking ahead of us.

"You ok?" he asks me and I sigh. "About what Brixton said, that you were framed" I start and he nods his head. "I'm sorry. I've been so rude and blunt with you because of how mad I was with you for leaving but now I know that you did it to protect me. I've hated you for 10 years when you didn't actually deserve it" I say to him, feeling my eyes begin to fill with tears as I think of it all after 10 years of ignoring it all. "No. You had every right to hate me. We were together for over a year and I just left, with no warning and nothing after that. I didn't call or text. I didn't answer any of your calls or texts. I didn't come back to explain or to say goodbye. I knew that if I did then I wouldn't be able to leave, I wouldn't be able to say goodbye because I loved you and I knew that you couldn't come with me" he replies and by the time he finishes the tears are running down my face. "Leaving you was the hardest thing I have ever done" he adds as he cups my face and wipes my tears with his thumbs. I wrap my hands around his wrists and relax into his touch. "I'm sorry, I never should've given up on the possibility that it was all a lie" I apologise. "It's ok, it was safer for you to just move on from it. I'm sorry that I left, I didn't want to but I needed to" he replies and I tighten my grip around his wrists. "It's ok, I forgive you. After 10 years, I forgive you" I chuckle and he laughs at me.

"I've missed you" I say after we stand in silence for a few seconds. "I've missed you too" he replies with a smile and hugs me. I wrap my arms around his neck and his go around my waist. "I still love you" he says and I smile. "I love you too" I reply and tighten the hug. We pull apart and he crashes his lips onto mine, the same way he did for the first time, when he dragged me into the empty closet. I instantly kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck. We pull apart and smile before looking to see Hobbs and Hattie watching us. I chuckle at them and Deck wraps an arm around my shoulders and we walk towards them as I wrap my arm around his waist.

We get on Dinkley's plane and land in Samoa a few hours later with the machine, ready for Hobbs' brother to fix it. We get a truck and Hobbs starts driving us to his family home. He decides to call Dinkley to thank him for the flight, which I think he'll end up regretting. Hattie and I sit in the back while Deck and Hobbs sit in the front on the phone with Dinkley. He starts going on about being a part of our team and then about giving us all his details and Hobbs tries to end the conversation but Dinkley doesn't shut up. Deck takes the phone from the stand and makes noise that sounds like the call is breaking up before saying "We're losing ya" and throws the phone out the window. "That was my phone" Hobbs states and Hattie and I grin at them. "I hope this brother of yours is as a good a mechanic as you say he is" Deck says to Hobbs. "Jonah is the best mechanic I know and he's gonna help us. That is if he doesn't kill me first" he replies before we pull up to a large house.

We all get out and Hobbs makes his way to the front door while Deck, Hattie and I lean against the car. I stand beside Deck as Hobbs paces the front porch. "Ye, take your time. It's only my sister's life and the fate of the world we're waiting on" Deck shouts at him. Hobbs takes a deep breath and walks to the door. "Oh here we go" Hattie says. "Bet you a bullseye £50 he punches him in the face" Deck says to Hattie and she answers "Deal" before they lean against the truck and cross their arms over their chests.

We watch as Hobbs knocks the door and a man with 2 plaits answers. He punches Hobbs in the face and he goes tumbling down the steps and to the ground. "See? It's not just me" Deck says and I chuckle at him. Hobbs and the man argue with each other until an older woman comes out and throws a flip flop at the man's head. "No fighting under this roof" she shouts before she sees Hobbs. "Is that my Luke? My baby's home" she asks in disbelief along with a smile. "Hi Mama" Hobbs replies. She then welcomes us all into the house.

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