One: The Healthiest Illness

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"Dev, where's my tie? I got it out and put it on my bed," I said, frantically pacing around the room.

"Uhhh, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say right in front of you. Why do you keep placing your green tie on your green bedsheets? Because that's a great idea," Devin replied. "For someone as smart as you, I would hope you would know not to do that."

"Uh-huh. Like I really need a lecture right now. We're gonna be late if we don't hurry. I am in dire need of my caffeine, you know."

"Oh, I know. I would rather not watch you get yelled at my Mom and Dad for punching three people because they had the audacity of walking too slow. Actually, never mind, I would love to see that. Nice change from me getting lectured."

"Mhm. Aight, let's bounce. Grab CeCe for me, will ya?"

"Why am I always the one who gets her? You think I want to deal with a fourteen year old girl who thinks that getting up early is equivalent to torture? I mean, I agree, but really?" Devin grumbled, walking over to CeCe's room. Meanwhile, I ran down the stairs and hopped into the driver's seat of the red Porsche me and Dev share.

A minute later, CeCe and Devin came speeding out the door and came into the car like their life depended on it. "That's what happens when you take too long to get ready."

"Shut up. It requires effort to get the perfect liquid line, you know," CeCe responded, pointing to her eye.

"Oh, for sure. Yes, sorry for ever saying anything," I answered, rolling my eyes before pulling out of the driveway. First stop was Starbucks, because like I said earlier, things aren't pretty without it. After me and Devin received our black coffee and CeCe her Pumpkin Creme cold brew, we were far more sociable. Only thing that stopped those moments of bliss was getting to school.

"Oh, there's Randy. Hey, you ready for his sister's wedding? Imagine getting married in Kent Falls. It's probably really cool this time of year," Devin said.

I parked, then replied, "Mhm."

"Yeah. Aight, thanks for the drive, yet again. I'm gonna go talk to my friends. Bye." And with that, he got out of the car and ran over to his friends.

Meanwhile, CeCe strutted to her friend Vera, who is equally as sassy and also a smartass.

I love them.

Then I went to the senior parking lot and hopped out there, like always. My sister is a freshman, my brother is a junior, and I'm a senior. You may be wondering, if me and Devin are twins, how are we in different grades: I'll tell you.

When I was 12, my parents decided to skip me ahead a grade because every year before then was too easy. After they did that, I've still been getting good grades, but at least I'm not bored all the time. Apparently I'm 'gifted', whatever that means.

As I walked to my homeroom, I caught a glimpse of the infamous Randall Rockefeller VI. Or, better known as Randy. He's thought of as a king around here. Mostly because his family owns the school, so if anyone tried anything, things would not be pretty. They also have about 4,000 other buildings. Can you tell he's rich?

I entered the room and sat down next to my best friend Hudson Grimaldi. We met in our freshman year when I had just skipped above a grade. His brother was on the football team at the time, so he came to the homecoming game where we sat next to each other. Mom forced me to go to try and meet people. Well, I did. We ended up talking the whole game and he offered to introduce me to some of his friends. I agreed, and now, I am apart of a group of eight dumbasses who overly enjoyed chemistry because when we did labs we could blow things up.

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