Don't Let Them In...

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"No, no, not again!" I shot up in a cold sweat.  It was only a few nights ago that i found myself in a similar situation. Don't let them in...
Glancing around the room to check for the time, I realized it wasn't even midnight yet.  And this was the second time tonight that i could feel the sweat beads pouring out of every pore on my body.  Normally my insomnia would carry me to the sunrise, but after being up extensively for about thirty-six hours i was bound to crash.  So why wasn't i able to stay asleep?
The windows began to bow with the wind. There was a banging coming from outside.  It sounded like someone tapping on a nearby fence with metal, on a steady beat.  Scratching came from all around, from above and within the walls.  Then lastly hoarse whispers from the wall closest behind our heads.  At this point, delirious was an understatement.
Reaching over to my right, my fiancé's skin was warm to the touch. But that brought very little comfort. I wasn't sure when my imagination began running away from me.
So, i got out of bed and went to wash off my face with some warm water, and just dry off all together.  I figured it might've been better to avoid fighting it and just drift back asleep naturally.  So, there we were in the dead of night. Just my fiancé, me and my thoughts staring into the abyss. I would have turned the television on, but why disturb her sleep just because I'm wide awake?
After twenty minutes (give or take) my eyelids were heavy enough for me to try again.  Feeling the exhaustion i rolled over and cleared her hair of any strays.  To be fair, it was only to get a better view.  Nevertheless, i engulfed her in my grip.  And she, well melted into my embrace.  Which helped me stray back asleep.
Not much time passed before i found myself startled awake.  My fiancé was introducing her best friend to me.
"It's nice to finally meet you," she said with a warm smile on her face.  She rubbed her belly with one hand, while reaching out to properly greet me with the other.
"Likewise," i smiled weakly between squinting eyes.  "Uhm, any reason why we couldn't have this introduction out in the living room, or you know at least waited until i was conscious?" 
I was skeptical about reaching out to her.  Something about the situation seemed eerie. Both my fiancé and her friend's warm gestures dissolved.  It was apparent that they were less than thrilled to my reactions.  And who would blame them. I started to lay back down and let them have their girls' time. But how could i be so rude?
"I apologize for my behavior.  I was caught off guard, you know...just waking up and all."  I extended out my hand in good gesture.
The friend's grin returned.  But it wasn't warm or friendly anymore.  It was eerie, sinister even.
I tried to retract my hand, but it was too late. The moment our fingers met she dissolved into nothingness, but her cackling filled the atmosphere.  Sending chills down my spine.  I seized up, but my eyes searched the room frantically.  My only thought was where did she go?
She appeared behind the reflection, cackling in a nearby mirror closet. "Now i'll always be with you." She pointed to the back of her head, as her image disappeared.  Leaving nothing but a mouth echoing the words all while laughing sinisterly, like the Chesire cat.
In that instant, everything i knew had changed.  Even though i never felt my eyelids shift, what i saw did.  There i was, in the same position as i was when i fell asleep in the first place.  My arm dangling over my fiancé, but something felt different. My pupils dilated, dancing around the room for any signs of the pregnant intruder.  My heart racing faster than my eyes.  I tried to pull my arms off of her. But only felt an odd tingle course throughout my body in return.  Starting in my toes, then my ankle.  My wrists to my fingertips...and lastly in my upper abdomen. My lungs and heart pounding against the inside of my chest. Something was off.
I tried calling out to my fiancé, but barely felt my lip quiver. A few low grunts left my mouth, but nothing audible.  I tried again and again, but the results were the same.  Though in a panic, i began to relax a little.  I was no stranger to this feeling, sleep paralysis. So i did the only thing i could do, keep attempting to yell out to my fiancé until i regained control, if it were even possible...

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