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tw: unhealthy mindset, mentions of death, suicide and blood. please read with caution.

Maya stood in the bathroom nearest to the great hall, washing her face

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Maya stood in the bathroom nearest to the great hall, washing her face. No matter how hard she rubbed the skin on her palms, his smell clinged onto her.

Cigarette smoke.

Miles probably consumed one or two before he found her, even though she told him, the day they met, she hated the ashy aroma.

"Maya, I know that us being together was never a part of your plan, but I promise - "

She closed the water tap with aggression before a heavy breath escaped her mouth.

"No one will love you as much as me."

Those words alone set fear within her.

It was a lie masked in a facade Miles wanted to build for her eyes to believe.

They could end up in different paths, everything was undecided. But she couldn't ignore the uncertainty stirring the pit of her stomach. What if her life unfolds to turn his words into an unbearable truth?

She can't love him.

She won't.

Tears of frustration formed in her eyes, clouding her drifting vision. Though her stubbornness refused to let them course a path down her face, - for the girl who looked back at her in the mirror, held the epitome of everlasting sorrow on her shoulders.

And no one cared enough to take it away.

Maya placed her palm over her nose and instead of being met with the smell she disliked, it was finally switched with the bathroom's soap. She pushed herself toward the door, grabbing her bag on the way out.

"Don't fight us, Leeds."

She knew she missed a class, - but she didn't care to remember what it was. Her hands held tightly onto the strap of her bag, turning her knuckles white as small beads of sweat brushed the back of her neck.

"Because you'd be wasting your time."

She turned to a corner before she felt her chest colliding with someone else's.

Maya flinched and took a step back, her eyes trying to hold a focus on the person's face.

Though her rigid posture relaxed when she realized who it was, the boy's dark hues and brown skin falling into view.

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