Chapter 1: Crazy About Her

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Sheryl's POV

I woke up at 6 am this morning, I got dressed and snuck out of my room into the dorm's common area and began to make myself some breakfast. Suddenly; I hear a door behind me open, I look back to see Bella walking towards the door to our dorm and head off to the shower. "Good morning Bella." I whispered. She looked at me and said; "Same to you as well, Sheryl!" It was quiet, and I liked it when the dorm was quiet this early in the morning, however; it was too quiet at this time on a Saturday morning. Stella was usually already awake watching Hotel del Luna on Netflix, but for some reason she wasn't up yet.

Not long after Bella left for the showers; Daria and her girlfriend; Crystal White, came out of Daria's room and also headed for the shower. Ever since Ms. Morton took over as principal after Ms. Wright died in a plane crash on her way back from vacation in Madrid. The school was grieving over Ms. Wright, but with Ms. Morton as the new principal, she allowed couples to share rooms with each other. Skyler and Aiden were the hottest new couple on campus, ever since Jett and Carmen broke up. Holly and Ainsley were currently off-campus along with Laurel and her assistant/boyfriend; Cameron Beige, so there was a new power couple needing to be discussed.

Avery and her girlfriend; Poppy, were constantly bickering about different things, there wasn't a lot of new gossip about the students, except for one thing; Kia's Matchmaking Column in the school paper. Apparently; everyone voted on which Rainbow High students they were the most compatible with, and when I voted, it showed me three possible matches; Colin Bleu, my teammate; Emi Vanda and lastly; Stella. I blushed uncontrollably when I saw Stella was 100% compatible with me. After all; I am Crazy about her. I decided to call Kia and ask to speak with her in private.

"Hi Krystal, is Kia there?" I asked Krystal Bailey; Kia's girlfriend answered her phone. "Unfortunately not! Kia is in the Alps right now. Is this something important that you need to discuss with her?" I knew that Krystal helped Kia create the Matchmaking Column, and I mentioned to her that I had three possible matches and that I was 100% compatible with one of those three. "Oh, who were the possible matches? If you don't mind me asking." Krystal asked trying to get me to tell her, despite me not wanting to. "I can keep a secret Sheryl, you of all people should know that!" I caved and told Krystal who my possible matches were; "Okay, my possible matches are; Colin Bleu, Emi Vanda and Stella Monroe." Krystal wasn't even the least bit surprised by the final possible match. "So, which is the one you are 100% compatible with, and is it your crush!?"

Krystal (like Kia and a few others) knew about my crush, but only Daria, Gabriella and Amaya actually knew who my crush was on. After all; I mentioned my crush's name at a "Bi Pride" themed slumber party that Amaya and Gabby were hosting in their room, back in June. After all; over half of the students at Rainbow High were LGBTQIA+, including; myself. Stella wasn't at the slumber party because she was in England visiting her high society family, but when she came back early with more of her belongings then she had when she left for England, I knew immediately that she must have come out to her family and they disowned her for it. Being disowned is something that I never had to experience before, but I had heard stories of people being disowned by family and/or friends simply because they were LGBTQIA+, but this was the first time someone I really cared about was disowned.

I walked over to Stella and as her friend I asked; "Did they?" and Stella began crying right then, she was barely back through the gate and I was almost about to purchase a ticket to the London Heathrow Airport and confront her family. But Stella stopped me. "Sheryl, it's not my parents who disowned me, they actually welcomed me to stay with them when I come home, but I told them; "Mum and Dad; after Nan disowned me for being Lesbian, she told me to leave her manor and to take all of my things with me when I leave." That is when they offered to let me live with them when I come back to visit, but I told them; "I appreciate your offer and support, but I've decided to move to North America, and live there. Perhaps in Stockton, BC, Canada where Rainbow High is located, or maybe I'll move in with my potential significant other when she finally admits she's in love with me."

I told Krystal everything and about how I truly felt about Stella, I even mentioned that Stella means the world to me and I would do anything for her. That was when Krystal said; "Does she know how you feel about her yet?" I thought about Krystal's question for a moment, before I replied; "No, she doesn't. I'm not sure if I'm ready to confess my feelings."

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