Chapter 38

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      BAMBI POV:

V finally convinced me to get back in Keely's car and we arrived at my mama house even though I know she sleep since it was really late but I need to talk to her to make Simon stop Kaylen from doing this. I run out the car banging on her door until she opened it revealing herself with a robe and bonnet on looking like she just woke up.


"Mama stop Simon from killing Kaylen please just call him I'm scared! Okay?! I'm scared! I haven't been this scared since- since-" I sobbed falling into my moms arms while she pulls me inside sitting me on the couch.

"Bambi I need you to tell me what's going on okay?" mama breathed in and out while I copied her breathing slowly calming down.

"Okay... I don't have enough time just call Simon, he's forcing Kaylen to go on a hit to kill Wiz and Kayla" I look at her wiping my face.

"What?!" My mom looks like she's about to panic but quickly calms down taking her phone out her robe pocket.

She starts calling Simon waiting for it to answer, it rung over and over making my leg start to shake again worried I was too late to stop this.

"Yes?" His voice came through the phone and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Simon bring Kaylen back to my house." Mama warned.

"He gon be Ite bruh fuck off my phone wit this shit, he wanted to be apart of dis shit now he gotta show how bad he want out" I look at my mama as my bottom lip shook and my fists clenched hard wanting to hit the closest thing to me.

My mother was about to speak but I cut her off.

"Why are you doing this?! If it was anyone fuckin else you'd let them leave! If it was Saint you would let him leave! So why are you doing this huh?!?" I yell into the phone and he gets quiet.

"Your sick" I sob.

"Your fucking sick!" I scream and the phone hangs up.

My mama holds me in her arms letting me cry in peace, my stomach hurt along with my head as it started pounding which I'm guessing is from crying so much but I did want to sleep. I didn't wanted to miss any news on what was going on knowing someone was going to get hurt even if it wasn't Kaylen I'd still be hurt if any of the men in that car got hurt.

"Everything will be okay Bambi, Kaylen done worse shit than this before I don't see the problem" Vicky rubs my back and I slap her hand off.

"Wiz is smart. He knows Simon is after him and he knows that we all know he's back on our side that was the point. He wanted us to know so Simon's hothead self can make a impulsive decision and go after him falling into his trap" I stare out the window still in my mothers arms.

"Simon isn't smart when it comes to thinking about what the other person is planing he's too selfish and self indulged to think about what the other persons plan may be" my mama spoke rubbing my back while rocking me.

I'm just praying to god that everything goes smoothly.

The next day... (Thursday)

I didn't get any update on anything that was happening but my mom forced me to go to school since today is my last day until the 12th graders graduation. When I walked about school people looked at me mumbling things under their breath but this day was different, they wasn't mumbling about me being pregnant it was something else so I walk up to Hex and Jayla for the first time in months fed up with everyone's bullshit but what really pissed me off was they were also whispering shit.

"What the fuck you two mumbling on about?" I step up to them and they both look scared as fuck looking at one another.

"Hm? Y'all deaf now?" I mug.

They stayed quiet and I scoffed.

"Right" I walk away with my books ignoring everyone looking at me through the halls.

When I finally made it to class I was taking some notes in my Business/Finance class finally taking my mind off the situation since this class is my favorite. It's interesting and will most likely help me later on in life but I doubt I'll be successful in that area, I know I'm not dumb when it comes to this subject because I always understand everything and passing with a 97% so at least I have some type of understanding but still maybe I'll be best doing something less serious. I need to stop doubting myself.

"Ms.Miller to the main office please" my teacher said making everyone stared at me like I got a bomb in my pocket. Shit I might.

I got up and walked out walking towards the main office seeing the principal and the assistant principals all in the room talking amongst themselves. When I walked in everyone got quiet looking at me with sad eyes so I awkwardly stood there.

"Yes? Why am I here today?" I cut the silence and they all just stared at me while some were tearing up.

I look around and I see Saint, Vicky, Q and my mama walk in the room standing behind me so I turn around seeing Vicky sob in her hands.

"What is it?" I look over everyone but nobody give me an answer making me worry.

"Mama?" I look over at her.

"Bambi....Jay and uh Kaylen are in the hospital right now, we just got news that he's dead baby" my mom held her tears and my eyes got big looking over everyone once again seeing some start to cry while others have their head down.

"No.." My heart starts beating crazy while the room starts spinning.

"Take me there! I wanna go! Let me go see him please!" I cry pulling my moms arm as she stood still stuck in her head.

"SOMEONE BRING ME TO HIM!" I scream snatching the gun out of the officers belt aiming it at everyone in the room.

"Bambi!" The principle put his hand up scared while I aimed it at him.

"Bring me to him or I'll kill everyone in this bitch!" I huff as my mama slowly walks towards me.

"Okay Bambi...I'll bring you baby just put it down okay?" A tear streamed down her face and I put it down furious with the world.

I just wanna see him one last time.

𝑆𝑊𝐸𝐸𝑇 𝐿𝐼𝑇𝑇𝐿𝐸 𝐵𝐴𝑀𝐵𝐼 (SPIN-OFF)Where stories live. Discover now